Mar 14, 2004 21:00
ok so i like totally saw this hottie @ the mall like where i be kickin it. i will type the omg like OMG!!!!! convo we so super had. his name was like omg raggoo.
me: OMG!!!!!! there's a fire like OMG!!!!!
raggoo: where?
me: in my like totally OMG new ambercombie and fitch pants like OMG!!!!
after we had that like omg totally kickin convo i let him touch my naughty places because he said he like loved me. you guys when the like omg purple things come out are they supposed to like taste bad? you guuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was like watching c n fucking omg N and i think it is the new trendy thing to be gay. i am like omg thinking i should become gay or biiiiiiiisexual and touch same sex naughty places like omg!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! hottie with like the omg totally body!!!!!!!!!!!