another month gone by . . .

May 30, 2003 07:23

Another month has gone by. And here's the haps.

I moved. Again. I now reside in the lovely Covina area and today is my last full-time day at that damn disability insurance company. Thank the One above.

My amazing boyfriend is still the best. And he is doing a fabulous job at being the new Jr High Director at our church. I couldn't be prouder.

My niece has a rare disease. It sucks. She's on a lot of prednisone right now. She's only 5 yrs old. I hate disease and sickness.

It's hot. But not today for some reason.

It's friday . . . another escape from hell.

Time to nod off in front of my computer.

Good times.

Office Space is on it's way to my front door (I can't believe I waited this long to buy it).

Someone suck the fat out of my body . . . PLEASE!!!
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