62. If you could transport yourself back to any one moment in time of history when would it be?

Sep 28, 2011 17:12

Well it certainly wouldn't be a "historic" moment like the Kennedy assassination or anything like that. It would be more like just some random moment in medieval times to something. Not exactly sure of the era, preferable more during a time of peace though lol xD Victorian times might be interesting too... but that's the problem isn't it? It's so hard to pick just one era/time/moment considering all the things that have happened throughout history. How can you ask someone to pick over seeing this great event vs that great event if they are truly interested in both. I am a person who dislikes "favorites." I have never agreed with the idea that this or that thing had to be first and above this or that other thing. Why can't we all just like each thing for its own reasons; why do we have to "rate" things?

So I can't really answer this question in the specific manner in which it is intended to be but I am sure everyone can still understand my answer just fine. :P

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