Attempting to close TextEdit windows, to reset the numbers. For some reason, it offend my sense of order be up to Untitled 33.txt
This brief notes is the main one thing that i didn't want to discard or save to disk:
Amazing Video:
The Craft of War: BLIND It's animated with World of Warcraft models, but not strictly machinima. It's re-animated by a professional-grade animator .
The story is fantastic if you know what's going on with the Lady Prestor. The matching of the timing of the animation to the music is very impressive also.
One thing that disappointed me: I thought the human rogue might be Mathias Shaw, or possibly Elling Trias. But the model didn't match anyone in SI:7.
Oh, the other minor gripe is, that's not how the rogue ability "Blind" works. That's actually almost more like Vanish, especially since this could be set back in the day when Flash Powder was used for Vanish.
But anyway. Amazing video. Probably even for non-WoW players, though less so.