Friday morning/afternoon: hung around and bothered my brother while he was trying to telecommute, as it were. At some point
sarkat came over (we played truant to game in san jose).
Friday night: cheese soufflé, poppyseed-sherry cake, and presents. I got a new camera to replace the one I got for my birthday 5 years ago, and which by this point doesn't do very well at taking pictures inside, and has lost it's extra battery, battery charger, and upload cable. I got a great card fi made. A few other stuff.
Friday late night: nervous breakdown
Saturday morning: pancakes. then back to bed and lazed excellently around for most of the day.
Satuday evening: went to bed bath and beyond and got a new comforter to replace the one that came with my hand-down queen bed. The old comforter is down, and it's got all lumpy and uneven and terribly annoying. The new one is great!
Saturday night: read several chapters of Sharing Knife: Legacy aloud, until I got hoarse. As hoarse as a small pony.
banjomensch and
chironsoldier came over for sunday gathering (sometime changeling game) / birthday / equinox. We decided to walk, but fi is sick. Then
banjomensch did 30 seconds research and settled on making bread gods as a good way to celebrate equinox/my birthday. Cause apparently the norse made bread gods (of Freyr and Freya) on equinox, and I like bread.
So we walked to the grocery store, because
banjomensch decided we needed to by new supplies, not use existing supplies. He was going to take them home to his house after, but I've still got 'em.
Then we put together bread dough. Then someone pointed out it had been a rainy day, but there had been no popcorn (a house tradition). So I got out the popper and made some popcorn, while
banjomensch went to pick up kore from work. But she was worn out, and didn't join us. But
jarsofwind showed up, to celebrate her last weekend till june.
The popcorn ended up being seasoned four times. I added butter and yeast and parmesan cheese and garlic herb seasoning three times, before it was seasoned enough. Then
banjomensch got back and we'd left him a little popcorn and he drowned it in more yeast.
Then we sculpted gods out of dough. Mostly fertility goddesses or hermaphroditic gods. I went last when some space on the boards cleared up and made a very simple sculpture.
sarkat's came out very well. You could see the face and even the nipples on the breasts even after it had cooked, though the pregnant belly sort of flattened in cooking. We cooked gods for a while, then ate them. And took lost of pictures throughout the process.
jarsofwind will probably get pictures up faster than me.
Then, eventually everyone left.