Indian Pudding--one lump or two?

Sep 29, 2009 19:11

Having had a wonderful Indian pudding a couple of weeks ago, I am attempting to replicate it for a birthday party tomorrow. I have never attempted Indian pudding before and I quickly discovered that it is much harder to avoid lumps than I expected. I added the meal in a thin stream, but it lumped. I even put the stuff through a strainer, and stirred and stirred, but I am afraid I saw lumps in the mixture poured into the pans. Yes, pans--I also discovered that the recipe makes two puddings, which I didn't expect.  I am now baking them, and hoping against hope that they will not boil over onto the oven floor, since the pan I put beneath them only covers three-quarters of the space needed. Here's the recipe, if anyone else feels inspired. It is from Amelia Simmons' 1796 book American Cookery. My measurements are in parentheses.
3 pints scalded milk to 1 pint [Indian] meal salted (1/2 teas. salt); cool, add 2 eggs, 4 oz. butter, sugar or molasses (1/2 c. sugar) and spice (1 teas. nutmeg) q.s. It will require two and a half hours baking (I have it at 300 degrees F).

It seems to be browning on top; I hope it will not burn before it is done. It has another hour and 20 minutes to go. I think it will taste good--I tried it before I put the eggs in--as long as the texture isn't too lumpy. I will warm it for the party, and someone is bringing ice cream, which will cover a multitude of sins.  And I will have a second pudding for breakfasts and will be very sick of Indian pudding by the time it is finished. Next time I will know to cut the recipe in half.


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