What is it about me and lettuce this week?

Jan 20, 2008 19:50

--and not even the metaphorical kind one can spend. A few days ago, I found that I had somehow managed to put my last romaine heart in the freezer instead of the fridge (I learned that romaine freezes attractively but defrosts into slime), and now I find that I managed to buy romaine hearts twice this weekend and didn't notice. Six romaine hearts--if I eat one a day, can I consume them before they go limp? I am going to be photosynthesizing by the end of the week. Looking at the weather, it is not the week for dinner salads, since the temperatures are to be below freezing. My poor car is not going to be happy. The rear end is unhappy enough, after getting hit on New Year's Eve day, and the motor is not going to be amused with the overnight lows. How do you spell relief from overnight cold? G-A-R-A-G-E. I wish. No walking to work this week--and never mind proper business attire, I am wearing my lined jeans. I don't interact with customers and if I look respectable from the waist up, the book truck and chair back will help hide my indiscretion.

I have been trying to finish some of the fics I have sitting on the hard drive. One is almost done, but stalled, and I have almost got a point for Creepy-and-Pointless but need to take a 5-lb. mallet to it and beat it into a new shape. I started the research for my AU Chana fic, failed to take enough notes, and have forgotten most of what I worked out. I am quietly going to nudge the started CharlieLives fic under the desktop and I have a new one worked out that I need to start writing. It's already AU, but I should get my old theories on the Freighter People posted before any more spoilers (or episodes) blast them out (further) of the water. It's a pity I never got around to getting my MA in procrastination--I would have graduated summa cum laude.

lost fic, cold, food

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