so its 11, and I just woke up. I went into the bathroom where my dad's new issue of THE DAILY NEWS Is on the floor. Now, I know this isnt supposed to be anywhere near real journalism, but JESUS. The front page has the twin towers burning on them and the caption reads "I SWEAR TOY OU, WE'LL GET SOMEBODY UP TO YOU" with a subcaption of "9/11 operator's compassion and frustration as the nightmare unfolds". It's a 3 page article on the same shit we already know.
This fear is outrageous. We are daily confronted by the "news" (censored bullshit owned by the 5 media conglomerates) who want to keep us in this state of rage and fear so that we back President Mindless in his war. Just keep bringing up this "terrorism" and everyone will say yeah, lets back this war- and WWIII (which will start soon- Seriously). I know that the NYTimes had to sue to get these records out, but the daily news did a fucking terrible job of reporting it. Go to BBC for any kind of real story on it- even tho BBC is censored as shit too, but they usually get American stories pretty accurately
anyway, i just woke up so my writing is terrible. Time to check the