Nov 01, 2004 17:11
Music. It's meant to be enjoyed. It is created for entertainment and expansion of the mind. Sometimes incredible messages are in the lyrics and this tends to cancel out any lack of talent in the actual music. Why have I been such a musical snob? I've gotten better since middle school. Remember the days of ska-and-punk-and-underground-stuff-and-nothing-else back in 7th grade? Well, I remember it. It was so much fun! I'd blow off most music outside of my bubble and revel in the glory of people not knowing any of the bands I listened to. I think the beauty of underground music was, and still is, the fact that popular media could neither destroy nor overplay any of it. But in this, I neglected some amazing popular stuff. So here's where my epiphany began: Piebald. Why have I neglected them? I know why. It's because when I first heard them, I thought they sounded too "pop". They do. Listen to them. They could run Coca-Cola right out of business. But the thing is, ya see, music is to be enjoyed. I enjoy some poppy stuff. I also enjoy radio-rock and some other "don't touch!" music. To quote a good friend warmly and accurately, "Who cares what people will think of what you listen to. Isn't music meant to be enjoyed?"