Sep 12, 2008 01:25
It seems like I've been starting every single entry lately with "Wow, I haven't updated in forever."
This school year is intense, ahha. My classes are crazy (but still awesome) and, as always, rehearsal is taking over most free hours of my day. I suppose I'll start with classes.
It's the first semester of my senior year. Technically, I have three semesters to go, though, so I don't really know how to classify it. Maybe a senior-lite? Who knows? Anyway, I decided to load up with some difficult courses as to make my final two semesters less stressful. I'm strugglign with that decision now, ahha.
I'm taking, Drama, Early American Lit, my Senior Seminar in English Lit, Scene Design, and History of the Theatre. No performance classes :-( So far, they haven't been too, too bad. It's been a whole lot of reading and discussing in my English classes and WHOLE LOT of note-taking in my History class. I know, though, that as soon as I need to take a test in History (which, incidentally, is next week, I believe) I'm going to want to cease existing. It's been about two years since I've taken a lecture course with regular tests. I'm not looking forward to it. At all. I'm more worried for work to come. I have 10-20 page papers due in 4 of my classes and 20 minutes presentations in each of them. One fo the presentations is in front of the entire English Dept. Eep.
Moving on to (currently) less stressful things. I got cast as Lord Capulet in Romeo and Juliet, our first production. It's pretty exciting, if only because it's finally a character with actual emotional depth and emotional scenes. We don't really do tragedies or dramatic works, mostly comedies, so I'm obviously lacking in the "sad stuff" category of acting. It's nice to finally do somethign different. Plus. Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite, of Shakespeare's tragedies.
Hmm... what else is there? Oh, yeah. Last Tuesday my car was towed. I was unbelievably angry. I went to take a friend to a Verizon Wireless store and instead of my car, found road construction equipment. I angrily shouted, "Where the fuck is my car?" and one of the constuction workers told me there was temporary n parking signs posted and it was towed. My friend said that the sign defintely was not there when I parked Sunday and he told us that drunk college students ripped all of the signs down on Saturday night and they were replaced Tuesday morning. Oh, ok. SO my car was towed after signs were re-attached after being torn down. Oh, yeah. That makes total sense. I went to the police station and they told me where to find my car. My dad had to drive to my school to get my car back since it's in his name and also had to pay $175 to get it out. He wasn't exactly happy. Then, to top it all off, when I got he car back there was a ticket on the windshield. I told my Dad I'd take of it and go and tell the police I wasn't paying cause it was bullshit that I had one to begin with. Cut to today, a week later, when I finally got the chance to go to the police station. Since last week I'd lost the ticket, so I asked them to look it up. The woman came back and told me it was $10. Mind you, it staretd at $25 and that by now with late fines it should've been around $75. I kind of looked at he in disbelief and she told me that since I'd paid all of my other fines on time, she woudl only ask for $10. I decided not to protest it and finally it's taken care of and done with.
I think that's all for now.