Title: Wielding His Weapon
Author: Aranel Took
Fandom: DC Comics: Elseworlds
Characters: Hal/Kyle
Rating: PG
Words: 200
Summary: Elseworld. Kyle has a sword lesson. Hal gets distracted.
Author's Note: A birthday drabble for
morelindo, using our characters from
dc_imperium! Happy Birthday!
“I should get the day off from my sword lessons,” Kyle said. “Since it’s my birthday.”
Hal fixed the young prince with a scowl. “These lessons were your idea!”
“True,” Kyle said. He shrugged and shyly lowered his eyes. “And I would rather spend my birthday with you.”
Hal turned away from him, uncomfortably aware of the ache in his groin. The boy was flirting with him again. “How old are you?” he asked, trying to move the conversation away from how Kyle would like to spend his day.
Hal sighed. He had armor older than Kyle! So he had better quit thinking about him in ways that would get him castrated by the king. “I will show you a new stance today.”
“All right.” Kyle leaned back against the stone wall and smiled. “I like watching you use your sword.”
Hal blinked. Use his sword. Weald his wæpen. It was a phrase often used in his native tongue to refer to sex. And the wæpen in question was suddenly very enthusiastic about the idea. He took a deep breath and tried very hard to keep his eyes off Kyle. It was going to be a long day.
Old English Glossary
Weald his wæpen - wield his weapon/sword. Wæpen is also an Old English word for 'penis'.