Hey all,
well i been out of the loop for a while so here is a bit of a up-date for everyone.
First and For most Current Events
yeah big things are happening Poor MJ died and so did Ed Mcmahon Farrah Fawcett. Now I feel a bit sad, not just these people died, but because Fawcett and Mcmahon have been pushed aside for MJ, Larry king was going to do a whole show dedicated to Fawcett tonight but as soon as the new about Micheal Jackson came along his whole show changed to a tribute to Micheal. My reason for this is simple and it can be answered with a question, "Would Jackosn's death be just as big and just as covered if he wasn't put on trail?" I personally feel that much of this coverage is becasue he had a tarnished record. yes it was a shock and out of the blue, but I bet money that if he didn;t have a scandal to his name Larry king would have done a half and half show rather then a full show about Jackson. I see it alot, when a famous perosn who hade a "Clean" record in terms of media coverage, they get a article in the paper, a small story on the 11 o'clock news, and thats about it, when someone famopus is sued for molestation or something just as terrible then all programming stops and it is now all about there lives.
Don't get me wrong its sad that Jaskson died and out of the blue, (I wasn;t a major fan of his music but some I liked) but still. One Dj made a interesting point on the radio, when he was alive and all the trial stuff was going on, a lot of people (including me) were going shame shame shame turning their backs on him and didn't want to give him a chance at all. He never even got a chance to make up for it (Guilty or not) and no one ever stop to think maybe this man needs help professional help, but now that he is dead everyone is all tears and singing a different tune so it got to make you think, are we only sympathetic when tragedy of death is consered and when the problem is not life or death do we not give a damn?
I kinda agree, Many condemned the man and never thought maybe he needs help but are quick to feel sad that he died cause to not be would make you look bad. (I am sure many will look down on me for writing this but when it comes to matters of detah I tend to be a bit stone hearted).
And thats all i have to say about that.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen ROCKED! There for a few bits I would have done different
I was a bit sad Devastator was not in it longer and had more fighting time, I could have done with less sex jokes, and Not sure if anyone noticed but there are two Mixmasters and two longhalls, we see their robot forms when they go to get Megatron out of the sea so we know what they look like, We then see the Constucticons (never dubbed so but still) merge and Form devastator, but then just as they do so we see the Mixmaster and Longhall robot modes come up and attack the US troops...What the hell Bay? Whats the deal with going cheap on the desepticon looks why not another Brawl? You used Blackout and Bonecrusher again or maybe Barricade? I do agree with my boss the final fight seemed anti-climatix since it was "I claim your sun!" .:chior:. "Optimus jetfire Prime!" .:stab in chest:. done...(But I hear they started to run low on budget and the other 2 hours and 25 minutes were epic enough to make me forgive it and still love it ^_^
Other then that loved the film amazing great stuff worth the wait can;t wait to see it again this weekend (I might see a third it depends on cash)
Cos-play Otakon
http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/152531/I do not feel like posting pics right now but I am almost done with Roy you can see my updates here, I do hope I run into Cat and Felisha since I pretty sure they are going to Otakon too cause I miss them and should try and reach out more when i am on AIM (as well as many other firends I have lost touch with). I am going to be in a skit for Otakon so that should be fun and i already have Ktasucon planned out and depending on how that goes i might be killed when Cat and Felisha see what I do 9your either going to love it or kill me) I have the rest of my outfits done its just Roy that needs work, not sure what my final costume list will be but I will have it down soon (Hopefully)
Sucks, I still work at Target Hofstra told me it will be a Act of God if i get a real job, (What a way to spend money for a education that means jack it seems) Got me a X-box 360 pro for $107 (Yay for having access to the expert zone!) Still single, I will most likely have a whole post on that when the dreaded one year anniversary comes along. Ok not all bad I see some friends still I wish i chilled with more but That's what happens when no ones around I guess.
Well that is all i really can say for now, I will try to be on more often then not, and I will let you know what happens at Otakon
Peace out!