Jun 01, 2021 10:00

PicFic is on hiatus...because we know writing has been tough.

Every Tuesday you can repost a PicFic story that you've written in the past (go back as far as you want)

Here's a writing option, you can change what you don't like about the story.  Or you can just post the orignal story without changes too! It's up to you! Just be sure (if you're able) to include the original picfic prompt with your story.

If you don't have a PicFic, then by all means repost one of your other stories, with or without changes.

Remember to please use the tag 'picfic' for PicFic reposts. Use the tag 'non-challenge' for a non-picfic story.

As a reminder,
section7mfu is a gen site, so gen or gen-mature stories only.

throwback tuesday, gen, picfic, section vii, gen-mature

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