With all the preparation for the St. Patrick's Day party, I forgot to post a PicFic Prompt on Tuesday.
So, I'm continuing last week's prompt from 3/9. It's a fairy (sort of) and I was thinking of St. Paddy's Day when I selected it, with an original due date of 3/16.
What the heck, let your imagination run with it!
For those of you not familiar with PicFic, it's a weekly challenge to write a MFU story based upon or incorporating a photo prompt.
Here are the general rules of the writing challenge:
Your story is Due: Tuesday March 23rd (though if you're late that's okay)
Statistical stuff: Minimum 500 words, no maximum.
Subject Matter: Write a MFU story using the photo prompt. Your fic. can be specifically about the prompt, featured or just mentioned in your story. It's meant to inspire!
Posting here should fit into the GENeral concepts of the
section7mfu community, contain nothing explicit and reflects the 1960's series in style and content, and featuring our brave men from U.N.C.L.E. (of course) It's okay to use characters from the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. as well as original characters, but Napoleon and/or Illya must be part of your story!
Remember, Section VII is a GEN community.
That being said, there is a GEN-mature tag option for stories that contain more violence, torture, angst or very mild het. So if your story falls under one of these categories, please use the gen-mature tag.
Where to post:
Gen stories, gen-mature post in
section7mfu More than mild HET stories post in
mfu_map_room All other genres post in
uncle_du_jour Subject Header: Please include in the Subject Header: your Title, the phrase:'For Picfic Tuesday' and the original due date.
You must include the photo prompt with your story as a reference for you readers!