Glennagirl has said, we will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Wednesday. With that that in mind, why not add a little Irish flavour to this week's Short Affair. (Today also happens to be the Ides of March. Make of that what you will.)
Prompts for the Short Affair are posted on a Monday, and you can post stories at anytime from the moment the prompts go up until the end of the following Sunday.
Today's prompts, covering the next seven days, and the rules, can be found below the cut.
Have fun.
-Prompt Word 1 - Coffee
-Prompt Word 2 - Diamond
-Prompt Colour - Pink
-Last Day of Challenge - 21st March 2021
Chose to use one of the prompt words, or to use both in your story (not forgetting the colour element), remembering to state which combination of prompts you are using.
Remember, Section VII is a Gen site, but stories which are Het, Long-term Romance or AU can be posted in
mfu_map_room You can post directly to Section VII or, if you wish, you can post your story elsewhere and provide a link. Please say where the link leads as a lot of people are unwilling to go to certain sites. Don't forget, Section VII and the Map Room are both available on Dreamwidth, for those of you who can figure it out (Just let us know if you posted there).
Challenge Rules
-Your story can be built around one or both of the prompt words plus the colour. I.E.- Word 1/Colour, Word 2/Colour, or Word 1/Word 2/Colour.
-Word Count - must be between 300 and 1000.
-All stories should be headed with ‘Short Affair’ Challenge, the due date and your title.
-Please state at the top of your post which prompt combination you are using.
-Tags - please use short_affair, gen or gen-mature.
-Section VII is a Gen community, so stories should be appropriate, i.e. nothing explicit or overly-graphic. However, there is the Gen-Mature tag for anything containing violence, torture or mild Het. The Map Room should be used for Het stories, but again, nothing overly graphic.
-Also, as a courtesy to others, please use the LJ Cut, so as not to take up all the room on someone’s feed. Remember, Section VII is a Gen site, but stories which are Het, Long-term Romance or AU can be posted in
mfu_map_room .