Dec 22, 2008 21:27
It's that time of the year again to analyze the preceeding 12 months and determine if I actually did anything worthwhile. Well, I don't even have to think that much before I make a definate determination of YES! 2008 was by far the most amazing year of my life. Earlier this year I came to the profound conclusion that Life is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. Yes, it's strange, fascinating, beautiful, and I have no intentions of leaving it anytime soon.
This year I have been able to leave my job, struggle financially, struggle with room mates (I love my current ones!), date a girl with whom I shared a very unique and interesting breakup (note: not a bad break up), finally take Angel 99 on the road, finish a new volume of music, enroll in college, earn a 3.72 GPA during my first semester, give my first public speech about my sister's murder and my support for ending the death penalty worldwide, finish my eight-years-in-the-making Nightmare Before Christmas sleeve tattoo, begin my Corpse Bride sleeve (note that I'm a HUGE fan of Danny Elfman--Tim Burton is okay too I guess), and more awesome things than I can or have the time to chronicle here.
I met a lot of amazing people; senators, activists, Michael Berg, and thousands of others from school, The Wave, my trips to Richmond, and just by chance. Some of these people have become staples in my life. Others have become less than that. But not a single person has made my still-empty enemy list.
The Year is not over yet, and I'm sure something else incredible will happen during the waning last nine days.
I think that if I was to make a list of the top most memorable events this year, dancing, just fucking dancing, would make it in the top three. But I think everything listed above will tell you that it was by no means a boring year. It was quite amazing.