
Mar 19, 2005 18:08

omg today my parents made me go to the god damn library for three fucking hours to finish a prject and i was there ALONE!! IT SUCKED BIG JUICY BALLS! ugh well yesterday we were all the mall and we saw the ring two omg that was so fucking good! and everyone from nobel was there and the only people that werent from nobel had to sit in the way front! and max and scott were like laying on me and at sharper image og it was hilarious but im too lazy to type it! lol ok well love you all! look at her nipple! (alle, gabby, nicole, max, and scott) lol and then we went shopping and me and nicole got shirts that said FREE and lol then we went thong shopping lol and we didnt get any!!! lol and then we went to cinibun and i bought two and they were so good but i didnt eat the second one i bought it so everyone could share. and then we all, except for nicole went back to scotts house and we had so much fun i wish nicole was there. so at scotts house gabby and max were playing air hockey lol and gabby sucked and max won and then we watched you got served lol.







(Gabby, Allie, me, Scott, Max)
and then scotts mom was like trying to make me and allie eat and we didnt want to lol and scott and max were and gabby left and i was afraid to use the bathroom becuase there was pee in it! lol then gabby left and then it was me and allie and then allie left and i was stuck with max and scott and then they left to go to max's house and i was with scotts mom and found out something that was so sad but im not gunna say anything! ok well lyl! and sarah knows but she wont tell either but its not about her! lol ok well lyl

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