i cant feel right now. my appendages are numb... I am numb to the existance of emotion. scratch that i feel something. its indescribeable. I cant really understand this single life still. my incessant need for something is still ungratified. what is it about me that cant go on with out someone else? I watched an episode of invader zim this morning with some crazy monster man who needed to recharge in order to function he was the perfect consumer whore... this is how i feel only less materialistic and more humanistic. I need people to survive... in a sense we all do. I thrive off of feeling needed, which thus makes me dependent on others, such a stupid cycle. why can't i be happy by myself? does it stem back to childhood where i was always alone? wouldn't that time make me an expert at dealing with it. Im like a hang-out junkie. it seems like im fine cold turkey if I know that there is no one to hang out with and i will recess into my mind and the pages written by others (i cannot survive without communication). Communication = life. But when i start to hang out with people i cant stop. i crave more and more... this is most likely why i like smaller groups because they are able to interact on more intimate levels and maintain interests. I think this is enough ranting about what i am learning... i have been having random hangouts and movie watchings....(sidenote: cell phones are horrible... i have a small lump on my head because i talk to much on it, you would think i would wise up and use a head set, but i continue to give myself headaches and harmful frequency exposure). I miss a lot of people and being able to have good talks. I am so excited for my apartment even though it just spells debt, a hungy tummy, and solitary confinement (the consumer whore inside me says: BUT there's a pool!)...Why dont i feel loved? is it becuase i dont love myself? (Doubtful) but i will continue to analyze this insecurity. why do i have to have hormones? LAME
my work including the emo off switch
Random beach adventure...
a Bubbys run afterward in our swaped clothing...(its not as scandalous as you're thinking, sorry)
The X-men (my Jean Grey was horribly sub par)
Jenna humping inanimate objects at comic con
...this picture is for Joe
old men playing chess that i saw while walking to horton plaza for lunch... i hope that i am that hot when im old