Apr 25, 2006 22:21
After being in a pretty vile mood for most of last week (I got told on Thursday to "just go home you little shit" at work) I suddenly became hyperactive on Friday lunchtime and have remained so ever since.
Friday night saw me out in lovely Wakefield again where I was distinctly manic until 4am.... the cat woke me up Saturday morning at what would usually have been an unbearable hour but in my current state was fine.... had been slightly anxious all week about the all brand new popworld with alex zane, the dilemma being that while by all accounts he is a knob, I fancy him a lot so it was which would win out.... it all worked out okay because I just ignored the shite he was spouting and looked at his face.... as for the dirty pretty things "interview".... I find it hard enough to understand Carl Barat at the best of times due to the fact that he speaks like a nervous squirrel.... add the distraction of "I think he's going to take his shirt off.... he's taking his shirt off.... he's in his pants...." and how can I be expected to hear a thing? tea in sheffield was nice as I introduced people and they all got on.... I got IDd in Wetherspoons by someone clearly younger than me so couldn't buy cider to go with my friend's meal.... Be Your Own Pet were superfantastisch and I was super excited oh and it was super good to see Beck and Gaz as well.... the rockboys turned up to Offbeat and managed to have fun and even dance.... and apart from the odd one before I arrived ALL my favourite songs got played which was jolly nice.... woke up really early Sunday morning and couldn't get to sleep Sunday night or last night and am still not tired and suppose I shall crash at some point during the week but never mind.... oh and we had a Caesarian at work yesterday, I love Caesarians, at least I do when we get 5 healthy puppies and a healthy bitch which we did.... so all the best to everyone else!