14 Valentines, Day 5

Feb 05, 2009 21:26

Happy birthday to teary_eyed2 and nazdre!

Today's topic at 14valentines is sexuality.

You know I'm going to have to bring the porn for this one, right? ;-) Today's theme is women gettin' it on. Some of these I've recced before, while others are new (to this journal at least). See something you like? Please leave a writer or artist some love!

HP Fic
Other Realms by mindabbles (James/Sirius, Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout, Madam Rosmerta/Dorcas Meadowes, Severus Snape/Regulus Black, NC-17, light bondage)
Yeah, I'm not interested in any of these pairings, and yet I gave this one a try and really enjoyed it. I'm reccing it today because the Rosmerta/Dorcas sex scene knocked my socks off. Nnngh.

The Interview by emmagrant01 (Draco/Ginny, NC-17, some dirty talk, mild dom/sub behavior, oral sex, rimming)
Oh, good god. As I said in my comment to the author, this fic is delicious in every possible way. It's not the smut itself that makes it hot -- it's the power play. Just read it. You'll see.

Lava Girl and the Ink Drop by snegurochka-lee (Bill/Lavender, past Remus/Bill, quite a bit of Fleur, NC-17, very violent [but consensual] sex, open marriage, het, slash and femslash included at various times, tattoos, flagellation)
Whew. There's a list of enticements warnings, eh? ;-) If you're willing to give a minor character a chance and you're not squicked by any of the warnings, I urge you to give this one a read. Lavender is a fabulous character -- complicated and strong -- and there's tons and tons of hot, emotionally compelling sex in all three flavors (het, slash, femslash).

The Interview by anjenue (Viktor/Rita, NC-17, D/s, top!Rita, very mild dubious consent, orgasm denial)
If you, like me, believe the world should have more pegging in it, let me point the way to this delicious fic. Rita is in total control here, and it's hot as hell.

A Different Sort of Pest Control by fictionalaspect (Hermione/Luna, NC-17, mentions of toys)
Hermione has some trouble masturbating, so Luna decides to, er, help out. Sweet and sexy, with gentle undertones of Hermione learning to love her own body.

Stone Witch Blues by floweringjudas (Gabrielle/Tonks, R/NC-17)
Hee. Tonks totally queens out when Gabrielle wants her to wear a dress. But it all ends in sex, of course!

HP Art
No. 77 by ericahpfa (Bill/Charlie/Tonks, NC-17, incest)
Lucky, lucky Tonks. Who wouldn't want to be part of a Bill/Charlie sandwich? (Am I projecting my own fantasies? *cough*) Erica draws gorgeous women, and this Tonks is no exception. *licks*

An Affair by reallycorking (Charlie/Fleur, Bill, Victoire, NC-17, adultery)
*gibbers incoherently* It doesn't get much hotter than this -- Charlie frantically taking Fleur up against a wall while poor Bill plays with his daughter outside the window. I love the sense of desperation here.

The Green Chair by _odella_ (Bill/Tonks, NWS, spanking)
Nnngh. dlakjfalskfj Who wouldn't spank those gorgeous, creamy curves? *drools* I love how intent Bill is on his task.

Cookery Lessons by hooh (Draco/Ginny, R)
The colors on this one absolutely slay me. And mm, Ginny's freckled breasts are yummy. ;-)

Beg to Serve by _odella_ (Lucius/Narcissa/Hermione, R, threesome, tattoo/brands implying ownership)
Guhhhhhh. *wipes drool* Such lush curves and muted skin tones here -- and no one draws hair like _odella_.

Where is all the porny F/F art? :-( Link me if you've got some!

QaF Fic
Her Son's Mother by justinlovesart (Jennifer/Tucker, not rated)
A joyful, sexy drabble about Jennifer finding happiness outside of the role of mother that we mostly see on the show.

24 Hours Alone by foreverbm (Melanie/Lindsay, not rated, sexual content)
Mmmm, Mel and Linds having some fun with no kids around. It's always nice to see these two lightening up and getting to have sex without falling asleep or being interrupted. ;-)

Big Sur by xie_xie_xie (Melanie/Leda, NC-17)
*scratches head over why I didn't rec this when it was posted* Xie does two things very well in this story: she beautifully imagines what Melanie and Leda's relationship must have been like way back when (the characterization is perfect), and she writes amazingly hot lesbian porn. Check it out. ;-)

All of the above is het or femslash, but I know many women also get off on m/m, and that's part of our sexuality too -- so have some more porn links, most of them featuring man-on-man action. (I posted this one ages ago, so there may be dead links now, sigh. But hopefully most of them are still alive and kicking.)

jennifer/tucker, bill/charlie/tonks, recs: qaf fic, gabrielle/tonks, birthday, melanie/lindsay, severus/regulus, draco/ginny, bill/lavender, rosmerta/dorcas, minerva/pomona, viktor/rita, melanie/leda, recs: hp fic, threesomes, bill/tonks, 14valentines, recs: hp art, charlie/fleur, lucius/narcissa/hermione, hermione/luna, spanking, james/sirius

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