QaF folks, I have a question. It's about episode 308, the first scene in Brian's office, when Brian is all "I don't want to see your face every day when I come in to work because I totally still love you" and Justin is all eyelash-batting, "I had no idea our former relationship was still a problem for you" innocence.
Clip is here if anyone would like a refresher ;-) )
I love that 304 scene SO MUCH. I think it's the hottest non-sex scene in the whole series. Look up UST in the dictionary and that scene will be there. *shivers*
*pauses to watch the scene on YouTube*
What was I saying? Oh! Yes, I agree that there were definite signs that Justin wasn't as happy with Ethan as he might have expected to be, and that he was still drawn to Brian. But I still would have liked to see him make the decision himself to leave Ethan (and perhaps be single for a while to get his head together) rather than essentially having his hand forced by Ethan's lies/cheating. It still seemed to me that Justin would have stayed for a while longer with Ethan had the cheating not happened, so I'm always curious what would have gotten him to leave. But I guess the cheating made for better/more dramatic television!
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