Rec Me: Lady Lovin'

Mar 11, 2008 21:31

All right, y'all...I have a bit of an unusual request (at least around here!). You see, I signed onto IJ yesterday morning and saw three gorgeous, sexy, women-centric drabbles over at
qaf_drabbles. Please do read them if you haven't already:

A Life on the Road by flashfly (Leda/other)

Her Son's Mother by gmta_nz (Jennifer/Tucker)

24 Hours Alone by foreverbm (Melanie/Lindsay)

Images from those drabbles stuck with me throughout the day, particularly ones of the various female characters being pleasured out of their minds. Because, you know, that's always fun to read about. ;-) Which leads me to my request: does anyone have any amazing het or femslash porn to rec me? Preferably featuring a woman getting -- you guessed it -- pleasured out of her mind?

I know most of you are slashers, but surely you have come across some wicked-hot het or femslash in your travels? QaF, HP, art, fic...I will even read porn in other fandoms...anything you got. Pretty please? *bats eyelashes*

ETA: Pimping your own stuff is more than welcome!

jennifer/tucker, melanie/lindsay, recs: qaf fic, rec me, leda/ofc

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