Long Rambly Post of Miscellany

Jun 26, 2007 21:19

1. We have officially arrived in three-H season, when every single weather forecast calls for "hazy, hot and humid." Good thing I love summer, though frankly it's a hell of a lot better at the beach. *sweats*

2. In preparation for the movie, I've started rereading OotP. It's not my favorite of the books (GoF is), but I'm really enjoying it -- I had almost forgotten how amusing capslock!Harry is. And then of course there's the (in)famous "Sirius, sit down," the line that launched a thousand alpha!Remus fantasies. Just wish I didn't know what was coming at the end. :-(

3. QaF fans, does anyone have any good Drew/Emmett or Ben/Michael recs? Or can you at least tell me where I can go searching for some?

4. Also, is there such a thing as QaF art (ie drawings/paintings/etc. like this one by ericahpfa)? Vids seem to play the role in the QaF fandom that art does in HP, but surely there must be some art somewhere.

5. Speaking of art, have some HP art recs. These have both been recced quite a few times now around my flist, but just in case you've missed them somehow...

The Founders by leelastarsky (the four Hogwarts founders, WS)
Exquisite, richly colored portraits that deftly encapsulate the distinct personalities of the four Hogwarts founders. Rowena Ravenclaw is my favorite, so beautiful. :-)

The Fall by aigua (Harry/Draco, R)
Stunning portrayal of Harry and Draco in the Garden of Eden, complete with snake and a bitten apple. Wonderful facial expressions.

6. Finally, look at the beautifulness of these two ficlets! Both are quite old, but I just stumbled across them this evening and they both made me flail.

Track 17 by one900 (Brian/Justin, R)
The author manages to capture some of the major themes of the series, and the essence of Brian, in about 500 words. Lovely ending.

Love Like the Blind by imochan (Remus/Sirius, not rated)
This is just a wee little thing, but oh so gorgeous -- vivid imagery capturing a few pure, crystalline moments of joy in Sirius's life.

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, recs: qaf fic, gen, real life, remus/sirius, brian/justin, recs: hp art, rec me, recs: qaf art

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