
Feb 23, 2017 21:25

Today the latest Adrien English book arrived at my house!

If you're not familiar, Adrien English is the main character in a series of M/M mysteries by Josh Lanyon. As I noted when I recced the series several years ago, I'm not into mysteries at all. But Adrien and Jake have become one of my all-time favorite fictional pairings. I reread the series (at least the good bits *g*) on a regular basis.

The latest book is just a novella, but I found it very satisfying in tying up a few plot-related loose ends, offering some bonus porn (because who doesn't want more porn?!) and basically giving us MOAR ADRIEN AND JAKE. *loves*

If you enjoyed the earlier books and haven't read the latest, do it. And if you're new to the series, give it a try. I bet you won't regret it. :)

Crossposted from http://secretsolitaire.dreamwidth.org/246107.html. Comment wherever you like. :)


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