Pointing to things

Dec 23, 2016 21:08

So I can close some tabs...

HP Art: Farmer Granger and the Most Glorious Cock by Anonymous (Severus/Hermione, NWS)
I can thank kitty_fic for pointing me to this brilliant piece, which is drawn in the style of a children's book but full of hilarious, very adult innuendo. I cackled.

HP Art: Make the darkness fade away by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, G)
This is just gorgeous. I love the progression from the first panel to the last.

HP Art: Harry/Draco by mywitch (WS)
Love this vibrant, wintry pic. Very sweet. :)

Essay: I Rewatched Love Actually and Am Here to Ruin It for All of You by Lindy West
This essay is several years old, but I recently read it again and just about died laughing. I've seen "Love Actually" a few times and found it entertaining, but it really is problematic as hell.

Website/Podcast: Afford Anything by Paula Pant
I read and listen to a lot of stuff on personal finance, and to me this website is a cut above a lot of many of the other offerings out there. Her posts go in depth with a lot of useful details, and she covers not just strictly finance-related matters but also behavioral things such as changing habits and thinking big. I thought this podcast was a particularly good listen.

severus/hermione, harry/draco, movies, interesting links, recs: hp art

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