Recs: Twinses!

Jul 26, 2006 20:36

Time for another round of recs. This time the pairing is Fred and George (often with a side of someone else). What I like most about twincest is the intimacy that's possible between them, an intimacy that I as a non-twin will never fully understand. Also, the idea of two identical people getting it on? Strangely hot! ;-)

Double or Nothing by
Pairing: Fred/George/Lance Bass
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Exploration of social boundaries. Through porn. (Using redheads and bonus popstar.)
My Comments: I'm sure most people who like twincest have already read this one, but I'm reccing it anyway because it is the hottest, most deliciously detailed exploration of the twins' relationship I know of. The author takes such care with the sex scene that you can feel *everything* -- not just the physical stuff but more importantly the intense emotional undercurrent between the twins. Lance Bass is there too, but this is essentially Fred/George all the way. (Side note: I had to laugh reading this today -- guess Lance would be up for a little twin lovin'...)

Caught by
Pairing: Fred/George/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Voyeurism, minors involved (twins are 16), spanking
Summary: The twins have detention (big shocker). Professor Snape steps out for a few minutes and retutrns to find them snogging. He's pleased with what he sees ... or is he?
My Comments: Guh. And also nngh. And fjakglmnchamkfj for good measure. 
Madeyemax is the queen of twincest, and this one is my favorite of hers. The twins have a psychic bond of sorts between them (not necessarily canon, but who cares when it's this hot?), and Snape watches and directs the action. "Carry on," Snape said with a wave of his hand. "I want a nice, smooth transition into the blowjob."

Eckeltricity by
Pairing: Fred/George
Rating: NC-17
Summary: FrednGeorge. Brothers, boys growing up together. Things that fall into place as they are meant to be, with jolts of eckeltricity.
My Comments: This is a lovely little piece that spans the twins' lives from childhood through their apartment above their shop. I love the slow progression of their physical relationship, while their emotional connection is clear all the way through.

Coming Home by
Pairing: Fred/George/Remus
Rating: R
Summary: Written for
fluffyllama for the Fred and George ficathon. Her request: Slash please. Preferences would include twincest, twin(s)/older brother(s), twin(s)/older character(s) (Percy's age and up). I love my boys in water - so, for example you could send 'em swimming or have them spend time in the shower. Would also be nice to see them when older - one thing I don't really think I've seen is future fics where the twins play much of a part. No het, please.
My Comments: This is Remus-centric rather than twins-centric, but they play a lovely role in helping a rather broken Remus move on, post-Sirius and post-war. Sweet hurt/comfort story.

After Image by
Pairing: Fred/George, Colin Creevey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Underage (I guess the twins are about 16, and Colin would be 13), voyeurism
Summary: Fred and George sneak out of bed one night for some "private time". Little do they know, their private time won't be quite so private.
My Comments: Had to include another from
madeyemax here. This one has hot sex (as per her usual) but with some serious issues underneath.

Happy reading! More Fred/George lovin' can be found in my memories.

fred/george, pwp, recs: hp fic, fred/george/severus, threesomes, spanking, fred/george/remus

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