Recs (HP and ST)

Jan 22, 2012 15:40

Happy birthday today to madeyemax, busaikko, and elspethelf! Hope you all have a fantastic day. And happy early birthday to 1lostone (Tuesday); this is going to be a zany week for me, so I wanted to make sure I didn't forget. Hope it's a great one. :-)

Continuing to steamroll through my "fic to read" backlog -- I'm under 40 bookmarks now! -- AND I managed to keep my promise to merkuria to watch the first BBC Sherlock episode before the end of January. Verdict: I enjoyed it! I found it a little slick and/or over-dramatic in spots, but in general I was really impressed with the acting, production, intelligence, etc. SO and I are planning to watch another ep today. :-)

Have some recs!

Luck of the Devil by melusinahp (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
This fic is about Draco having to work at Rodolphus Lestrange's casino after the war, and how that gets him into a situation regarding Harry that he really, really doesn't want to be in. What I liked best about this fic was the way it mixes dark humor with a heart-wrenching dilemma for Draco, in which he's caught yet again between his family and what he thinks is right. The characterizations are fantastic, the smut is hot, and there's a great cameo by a minor character (whom I'll let you discover for yourself).

Take the Air by dysonrules (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
Here's another long fic (50,000 words *falls over*) that's absolutely worth the time. Harry and Draco are Aurors trying to figure out how to deal with dementors who are attacking Muggles. I loved the plot -- there's some cool magic involving the dementors, and I enjoyed watching Draco's struggle to gain acceptance from the other Aurors -- and the UST just builds and builds as the fic goes along. Awesome read.

'Twixt the Sun and Sward by novembersnow (Harry/Draco, R, brief mentions of canonical ill treatment of a child)
This is a de-aging fic (Harry gets turned back into a 10-year-old after a potions accident), which made me feel a little skeptical at first: would I be squicked by a romance fic in which one character is a kid for the bulk of the narrative? But it actually worked for me. Having Harry revert to childhood allowed both characters to sort of reboot their preconceived notions of each other. Harry is an adorable kid, and the fic has some really funny moments that made me literally laugh out loud.

Alive by gypsyflame (Kingsley/Draco, NC-17, rough sex, felching)
I almost missed this fic because I was out of town when it was posted, but thank the gods (and snegurochka_lee) that I did not. The basic thrust of this one is desperate, "OMG we didn't die!!!" sex, and it is gorgeous. Pretty much anything I could ever ask for in porn.

Snape and Black -- could it be cuddling? by dahtwitchi (Sirius/Severus, R/NWS)
This just makes me smile, their grumbly affection and the way their long limbs are wrapped up together.

Time on My Hands by circ_bamboo (Pike/McCoy, R/NC-17, references to PTSD-related effects)
This is a follow-up to this author's brilliant Make Me Believe, which you should read first (previously recced here). That one is about Pike's post-Narada recovery, particularly how he deals with some significant PTSD. This new fic was a result of me being nosy about how Pike (and his sex life with McCoy) are doing a year later. It is funny and sexy and glorious. \o/

Phosphenes by makowe_pola (Kirk/Spock, PG/WS)
The pose, the background, the soft colors and textures...all just beautiful. ♥

Leave a little love for the author or artist if you enjoy something!

recs: hp fic, harry/draco, kirk/spock, pike/mccoy, sherlock bbc, recs: hp art, birthday, kingsley/draco, recs: st art, sirius/severus, recs: st fic

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