
Oct 06, 2011 21:46

So I woke up this morning from an extremely racy dream involving me and Clinton Jones from White Collar. Nom.

It's probably stupid to post recs on an evening when LJ is down as often as it's up, but I'm going to grab my reccing momentum when it comes.

try and hide the night by tosca1390 (James Sirius and family, PG-13)
James is desperate to know more about his dad and what happened in the war, but Harry isn't quite ready to talk about it. This fic is a lovely look at both characters and their relationship and their family. It made me a little weepy (in the good way). ♥

A Lifetime and a Half by thinlizzy2 (George/OMC, Fred, Molly, PG, canon character death)
Thanks to igrockspock for pointing me to this one -- a sensitive imagining of George as a trans character, and how that might affect his relationship with Fred. Thoughtful and beautifully written.

Bound By Silken Threads by leashy_bebes (Draco/James Sirius, NC-17, symbolic bondage)
This is one of those gorgeous sex scenes that I felt like I read without stopping to breathe. Draco exercises a gorgeous, understated control over James throughout the fic. Delicious.

On Impulse by celandineb (Harry/George, G)
A sweet little getting-together ficlet written for me. :-)

Midnight in the Garden by Anonymous (Severus/Hermione, G)
Beautiful and lushly romantic.

Next Gen Girls and Next Gen Boys by thilia (various next gen characters, G)
Awesome, awesome portraits! Every character has tons of personality.

Moving by Anonymous (Harry/Draco, G)
Harry + Draco + a kitten + a proposal = as utterly sweet as you'd imagine.

Shadow of a Doubt by Anonymous (Remus/Sirius, G)
Such a creative concept and gorgeous art!

Follow Your Own Tracks by Anonymous (Remus/Sirius, PG-13)
A slightly sketchy style -- beautiful.

Mr. Black and Professor Snape or How to Kill a Boring Saturday Night by
someoldcat (Sirius/Severus, NC-17, spanking, rough sex)
UNGH. This series hits a few of my all-time favorite kinks. Filthy and delicious.

What Do You Want? by zauzat (Pike/Barnett, NC-17, post-Narada trauma, angry!sex)
If you like Pike at all, give this fic a try. The author does an amazing job of capturing his jumble of emotions following the Narada -- the fury and shame that he tries to project outward when it's mostly directed at himself. I loved watching Barnett figure out how to respond, and how to give Pike what he needs in the end.

Untitled Pike ficlet by imachar (Pike/Boyce, NC-17)
Here's another Pike fic, this one written for me (it's the first of the three stories on the page -- why not check out the others while you're at it? *g*). This ficlet has a dynamic about it that reminds me of Kirk/McCoy: the conflict between the personal and professional relationships, the difficulty of loving someone who puts other people above himself. Hot, emotional porn.

War Criminals by fabularasa (Leo McGarry/Lord John Marbury, NC-17, graphic violence)
I've never seen an episode of The West Wing in my life, but when fabularasa writes fic, I read it. If you like the show, I'm sure this would be even better, but if you aren't familiar with it just read this as original fic between two amazing, intelligent and competent men. As always, the author's dialogue leaps off the page, and she creates characters you can't help but root for even in their imperfections. Drama, deep emotion, an intelligent plot and hot sex: who needs more?

If you enjoy something, please let the author or artist know!

harry/george, pike/boyce, recs: hp fic, harry/draco, gen, remus/sirius, recs: hp art, george/omc, pike/barnett, severus/hermione, recs: west wing fic, spanking, draco/james, sirius/severus, recs: st fic

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