Recs + fic musing

Apr 16, 2011 21:31

So I was rereading a much-loved fic today when I got to the end and realized that at some point the author had rewritten the last line -- and not by altering a word or two, but in a way that to me conveyed a totally different mood than the previous ending. I was really bummed. It's not just that the new ending is less comforting/hopeful than the original, because I can live with an ambiguous ending, but that (in my opinion) it didn't complete the arc of the story as well as the original. It was simply less satisfying. :-(

I almost left a comment asking the author why she made the change, because I'm genuinely curious, but I felt like that might come across as sort of rude -- of course it was her decision to make and she shouldn't have to answer to anybody. I just can't help being disappointed, you know?

This is one quality where online fic really differs from ink-and-paper books -- as long as you still have your old copy of whatever book it is, its sentences and chapters will live on in comforting perpetuity, typos and all. (And it won't suddenly disappear forever as too many online stories do.) I never really save fic to my hard drive, but maybe I should start. Hmm.

Anyway, recs!

Love Letters from Silence by femmequixotic (Viktor/Albus Severus, NC-17)
Ultra-rare pair for the win! This is a gorgeous, bittersweet little snapshot of Al's relationships with Viktor and his family. I like how the author conveys complicated emotions without many words, and I was unexpectedly touched by the ending.

The Glorious 10th of May by Anonymous (Dudley/Piers, R, under-18 sex)
This isn't a pairing that I normally find appealing, but the top-notch writing in this really sold it for me. It plays out the scene when Dudley comes back to see Piers after hiding out during DH, and the author does a lovely job of showing Piers's emotions and imagining how Dudley's absence could have played out for Piers. I love how the author doesn't idealize the characters' bodies here, especially Dudley's. It's rare to see such unabashed -- and hot -- descriptions of overweight people having sex.

A Show of Strength by thistlerose (Kirk/McCoy, PG-13, violence)
Oh, man, did I love this. *flaily hands* This is just some well-written fiction right here -- every word of it, from the title to the gorgeous ending, is layered and carefully chosen. Even as I was swept up in the plot, which involves Jim and Bones dealing with the aftermath of an away mission gone wrong, I was also appreciating the way the story is put together: the way the author slowly spins out the truth of what really happened down on the planet, the way she echoes threads of earlier scenes in later ones. Just read it. :-)

The Waiting (Is the Hardest Part) by azewewish (Kirk, Uhura, background Spock/Uhura, PG)
Hmm, "aftermath of an away mission" seems to be a theme for today! This is a really nice scene between Kirk and Uhura after Kirk's first disastrous mission. I like Uhura's quiet strength.

Vegan Cupcakes for All (or Whatever) by medea_fic (Chris/Zach, NC-17, AU)
This is an AU featuring Chris as a chef and Zach as a hotshot Hollywood actor. The author warns for Zach being kind of a dickhead in parts, which is true -- but it's all part of his character development. Funny, warm and sexy.

Art for Desideratum by cannedebonbon (Kirk/Spock, NC-17)
There's some other random art on this page (all of it worksafe), but scroll down to the last one to see Kirk holding Spock down and burying nearly half his hand in his ass. NNNGH. (My description might make it sound nonconsensual, but judging by the fic it's based on, and the way Spock is curling his toes in pleasure, that couldn't be farther from the truth. *g*)

One Thousand Cranes by hoosierbitch (Neal, ensemble, PG-13, character death)
Please take that warning seriously -- this is a death fic, and it's beautifully written, and it broke my heart into little pieces.

If you enjoy something, please consider leaving some love for its creator!

recs: hp fic, kirk/spock, gen, meta, hurt/comfort, chris/zach, dudley/piers, au, recs: wc fic, recs: st art, kirk/mccoy, viktor/albus severus, recs: st fic

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