Because I haven't made a recs post in ages...

Aug 28, 2010 22:28

The last time I posted recs was in July? Ack.

Original Fic
Navid Arash Taraghijah: Still Life With Chair (I-XXV) by ladysisyphus with images by various artists (OMC/OMC, R, grieving, character death, attempted suicide)
I literally just finished this story, and I had to blink the tears out of my eyes before I started writing up my rec. It's about an artist, Navid, who has lost his husband and finds himself unable to move on. The writing is beautiful -- I love the deft mix of flashbacks and present-day narrative, and the way the author plays with themes of memory, family, grief, and love. What enriches the story even more is a series of paintings and images by various artists, which are meant to represent the works Navid produces while he's in the hospital. Some of them are truly stunning, and collectively they bring the story to life.

I'd recommend this story to anybody who can handle the subject matter, but justinlovesart and flashfly -- I have you two in mind especially.

More recs under the cut:

Star Trek Fic
Bold Venture by severinne (Pike/McCoy, NC-17, non-con drug use, dub-con sex with D/S elements and some blood, references to physical abuse and self-harming behavior of a minor, McCoy is 17)
*takes a breath after all those warnings* Did I mention this is mirror verse? Yeah. Not the kind of stuff that necessarily appeals to me, but this pairing in the hands of this writer? I definitely had to give it a try. And sweet lord, is it good. First of all, the author writes porn like nobody's business, and second, the characterization is brilliant. Despite McCoy being so much younger than Pike, he is clever and determined, and knows exactly what he wants. I found myself thinking that these two are a perfect match, despite the disparity in age and life experience.

And if I wasn't clear enough above, this is also hot like burning. ;-)

Loved and Living Body by rubynye (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17)
Scroll up just a tad to see the author's header for this one, which includes a link to a source poem (which is beautiful) and an incredibly NWS image, both worth checking out. Then read this gorgeous little ficlet. It's 700 words of perfection -- not just porn but intimacy, with love infusing every word. As I told the author, I never get tired of the way she writes Bones, in all his warmth and solidity and gruff affection. Mmm.

Black City / White City by appelwagon (Kirk/McCoy, R, AU)
This is actually two mirroring ficlets on the same theme: Kirk and McCoy meeting in Chicago during the 1893 World Fair. I enjoyed the way the author evokes the joy and promise of the Fair in the second one, but even better (to me) is the bleak, gritty world of 19th-century Chicago in the first one, and its realistic portrayal of the shame and fear of exposure that homosexuals would have felt back then.

Making Friends is Totally Scientific(ish) by silverlining_99 (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, brief rimming)
It truly is a good day when this author writes a new K/M fic. :-) This one features a snooping Jim and a Bones with lots of hidden talents and awesomeness. Clearly Jim has to jump keep him. ;-) Hilarious and hot.

Harry Potter Art
Garden Party by o_k_go (Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny, Draco/Harry, G, implied infidelity)
Be sure to read the notes at the top to get the necessary back story for these three gorgeous images. I love the vibrant colors in the images of the women.

Rekindled by thilia (Lucius/Narcissa, G)
Scenes from Lucius and Narcissa's marriage, done in this artist's usual beautiful style. Quite romantic.

Weasleys, Malfoys, Hermione and Harry - oh my! by glockgal (G)
Wonderful rendering of a canon scene. I love all the colors and varying facial expressions.

Starry Eyed by Anonymous (Scorpius/Rose, G)
This is lush and swooningly romantic. In fact, it almost looks like the cover of a romance novel, but I'm so enthralled by the gorgeous background -- and by how enthralled the characters are with each other -- that I can't bring myself to mind. :-)

White Collar Vid
Freedom Now by lolilie (Neal, G)
If you love Neal, you must watch this -- it's one hundred percent him in all his complicated, lovable glory. I've watched this at least a dozen times and the climax never fails to give me the good kind of chills. (Be warned: the song is addictive and will be in your head for days. *g*)

Enjoy something? Leave some love for the author, artist or vidder!

harry/draco, gen, pike/mccoy, draco/astoria, harry/ginny, recs: hp art, recs: wc vid, au, kirk/mccoy, lucius/narcissa, recs: original fic, recs: st fic

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