Rec Dump: HP, ST, WC

Mar 28, 2010 00:03

Oof. It appears I've gone all month without reccing anything! (Well, except for White Collar. *g*) So here, have some goodies, starting with a couple of Star Trek bonbons that were written for my prompts:

The one where Jim brings Bones flowers by rubynye (Kirk/McCoy, PG-ish)
It's not the kind of flowers you might expect. :-P Utterly delightful!

The one where Chekov asks Sulu to fist him by emiime (Sulu/Chekov, R-ish?)
D'aww. Sometimes discussion of kink is even better than the kink itself. Chekov is lovely here. ♥

And a few more...

Roman Elegy by lindmere (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17)
The idea of Jim and Bones on shore leave in Italy is a glorious one in and of itself, and lindmere has the sensual kind of writing style to bring the setting to life. But what I love even more is the understated intimacy between these two, the gentle way they navigate their differences. Established relationship fic at its finest.

The Truth Is So Boring by withthepilot (Kirk/Sulu, NC-17, AU, mention of major character death, prostitution)
This is an AU in which Jim never enlisted and is instead turning tricks at a starbase, where Sulu finds him after a very bad mission. It's not a long fic, but it's raw and heartbreaking, and it packs a serious punch.

Rush by emluv (Winona, Jim, PG-13, hints at child abuse and genocide)
Beautifully written gen piece about Winona and Jim. This Winona is real and believable and sympathetic, and I liked the similarities the author draws between her and her son.

Silver Threads Among the Gold by emiime (Sulu/Chekov, NC-17)
Absolutely gorgeous fic about Sulu and Chekov growing old together. As I told the author, I really wish there were more fic out there about the warm, deep intimacy of established couples. (See also the Kirk/McCoy fic above.) I adored this.

Force of Habit by taraljc (McCoy/Jocelyn, implied McCoy/Chapel, PG-13)
This one is about Bones going back to see his wife and daughter after the events of the movie. I liked this one because I could really believe in the relationships here; neither Bones nor Jocelyn is the villain, and their feelings about each other are as complicated as one would expect after everything that's gone before. Yay for realism in fic!

Omnium fidelium defunctorum by snowyofthenight (Spock/Uhura, PG-13)
Lovely piece about Uhura trying to help someone in the aftermath of the movie, and Spock trying to help her. Short and moving.

Some Days Are Diamonds (Some Days Are Rocks) by midnitemaraud_r (Teddy/James, Charlie/Teddy, Charlie/James/Teddy, others, NC-17, figging, spanking, rimming, voyeurism, dirty talk, age disparity, James is 17)
Okay, first off: look at those kinks. All huge favorites of mine, and all in one fic? Nnnnnnrgggghhh. But even if you don't share any of my particular perversions, you should still read this because James is such a perfect adolescent here (and very much his father's son -- remember capslock!Harry from OotP? *g*). His angst over being gay and his seemingly hopeless crush on Teddy made me want to cuddle him. This fic also features an absolutely delightful Charlie, who somehow manages to be both the perfect uncle and the perfect sex partner (though not at the same time, heh).

After the Fall by leashy_bebes (Dean/Draco, R, potentially disturbing imagery, incident of racist language, mentions of torture)
I don't think I'd ever read this pairing or even imagined that it existed before reading this fic, but by the end I was completely convinced. (And thus, the beauty of rare pair fic.) It's an eighth year fic that makes beautiful use of Dean's art to draw him and Draco together into an intriguing friendship (and then more). Wonderfully written.

19½ First Dates by xylodemon (James/Lily, NC-17)
Creative, funny, and absolutely charming little romance. Nobody writes the Marauders the way xylodemon does. *grins*

A Kind of Wild Justice by gypsyflame (Bill/Draco, NC-17, dub-con, D/S, humiliation, a bit of forced feminization)
This one is so delicious and hot, nnngh. Bill is darker here than I normally picture him, but his reasons make perfect sense in the fic, and the porn made me weak in the knees.

Triptych: Three Strangers Slowly Floating Away by sirra_scribbles (Teddy/Victoire, Molly/OMC, Rose/Lily, Albus/Scorpius, unrequited Hugo/Albus, Teddy/Lily, PG-13, implied underage pairings, incest)
I feel like such a long list of pairings is kinda intimidating, and to be honest I didn't pay a ton of attention to them when looking at this gorgeous work of art; it's really centered on three characters -- Dominique, Molly, and Hugo -- who for various reasons don't feel like they fit into their families any more. A wistful, original work of art.

Abandon by oldenuf2nb (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
The title says it all, really -- everything about this is full of passion, spelled out in the characters' faces and bodies. Draco's face slays me as does Harry's thigh *g*.

On the Nose by nami86 (Bill/Fleur, G)
I was utterly charmed by this. In addition to the adorableness of the pose, I also really like how the artist has drawn Fleur's hair and Bill's scars.

Overlap by china_shop (Peter/Neal, G-ish)
I have merkuria to thank for pointing me toward this absolutely gorgeous vid. It's an Ani DiFranco song, WIN, and all the lingering looks between Peter and Neal go perfectly with the lyrics. Mmmm. *watches it again*

See something you like? Leave some love for its creator!

harry/draco, gen, teddy/lily, teddy/james, mccoy/jocelyn, recs: wc vid, sulu/chekov, kirk/mccoy, bill/fleur, molly/omc, recs: st fic, albus severus/scorpius, james/lily, recs: hp fic, rose/lily, recs: hp art, kirk/sulu, hugo/albus, bill/draco, teddy/victoire, dean/draco, spock/uhura, peter/neal, charlie/teddy, spanking

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