Long time, no fannish post! Recs, meme, yadda yadda

Nov 26, 2009 13:35

I am really not feeling the holidays at all yet this year, but maybe our old friend Santa Jake will help? *points to icon* In any case, happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate!

Bunch of random crap today that no one will read since it's a holiday.

First, a meme from jlm121:

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile" (or whatever fandom-related phrase you want).

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

Here are the questions I was given:

1. When you want to get away from the world and just relax what do you do?
Read fanfic. ;-) Or, if it's the right time of year, go to the beach with a good book.

2. Do you ever cry at movies, if so what movie always makes you cry?
I definitely get teary-eyed on occasion, though I don't think I've ever broken down sobbing over a movie. A few that have done it for me: Little Women, Legends of the Fall (Brad Pitt's character crying over his brother's grave? *wails*), Philadelphia...

3. Hot Chocolate or Coffee?
Neither, actually. Tea if I want something hot, but I am usually boring and stick to water.

4. How did you meet your SO?
We met in college.

5. What's your favorite Star Trek pairing?
Kirk/McCoy are OTP, though I will read just about any pairing involving Bones. Oh, who am I kidding, I will read just about any pairing, period. :-P (I do avoid Kirk/Spock and anything Mirror Verse.)

And second, I got an award over at rs_games! This is for the non-Games participant that gives good comment, and truly loves R/S. *blushes*

And third, have some Star Trek recs, some of which I've had bookmarked for weeks. *facepalm*

Searching for the Ghost by hollycomb (Sulu/Chekov, NC-17, AU)
To those on my flist who enjoy original gay fiction, I encourage you to give this one a try even if you don't know Star Trek -- because I don't think you need to know the canon version of these characters in order to love them, and because this is simply one of the best stories I've read in fandom. The summary: Sulu is a Navy translator sent to Japan in September 1945 as part of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. Chekov and Scotty are physicists, Spock is a behavioral psychologist who is accompanied by his protégé Uhura, McCoy is a Navy doctor, and Jim is a Lieutenant Commander. As I told the author in one of my many comments (the story is in nine parts), this is much more than fanfic -- mature, moving, and so beautifully written it took my breath away.

Cowboys Lost At Sea by ayalesca (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17)
Everything this author writes is worth reading, but this one is really special. Jim and Bones get stuck in a strange world alone together and have to try to find a way out. The climax of this is one of the most powerful scenes I've read in this fandom.

All the Past We Leave Behind by northatlantic (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, NC-17, AU)
This one is a Wild West AU that works fabulously -- the characters translate to the new setting in a way that makes perfect sense, and the plot is fun and interesting. Bones is ridiculously lovable here, gruff and vulnerable, and there are some wonderful appearances by strong female characters including Uhura, Gaila and Chapel. Great read.

Physician, Heal Thyself by 1297 (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, references to rape)
In the hands of a lesser writer, this premise -- an established Kirk/McCoy dealing with the aftermath of McCoy's rape -- could be very problematic, but it's written beautifully and sensitively. 1297's use of language makes me want to quote the entire thing back to her, and the final scene is amazing.

Bottled Up by shinychimera and yeomanrand (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, bondage, spanking, enema, shaving)
Fic with BDSM elements tends to be hit or miss for me, but this one works because of the emotional dynamics, the way the scene goes far beyond the physical. And because Bones taking care of Jim is one of my favorite things in the world. Do mind the warnings.

With Such a Sky to Lead Him On by thistlerose (Kirk/McCoy, teen)
This simple, sweet little fic makes me smile so much. Jim and Bones go on their honeymoon in the British Isles. There are postcards to Joanna. There is Wordsworth. There is Bones attempting to snark his way through his honeymoon but not quite managing because he's too happy. ♥

Caged Bird Singing by igrockspock (Gaila, R, thoughts of violence, depiction of sexual slavery)
This is simply one of the best fics I've ever read about Gaila -- about where she's come from and what gives her strength. Exquisite character study...gave me chills.

When The Game Ends, We'll Sing Again by jlh (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, R, AU)
This fandom has so many great AU's! Here's another one, this time set at Harvard in the late 50's/early 60's and following the main characters through the next few decades of their lives. What I loved about this one was the friendship among the four central characters (Jim, Bones, Spock, and Scotty), and the Harvard dorm scenes brought back all sorts of nostalgic memories of my own college days. :-)

Untitled by rubynye (McCoy/Sulu, R-ish for language and smut)
The talented rubynye wrote this little ficlet for my prompt of McCoy/Sulu sex pollen, and goodness does she manage to squeeze a ton of hotness into a teeny tiny ficlet. The sinful way she writes about Bones's mouth is enough to make me weak in the knees, and Sulu's incoherence is darn hot too.

See something you like? Leave a little feedback!

gen, meme, hurt/comfort, au, sulu/chekov, kirk/mccoy, mccoy/sulu, spanking, recs: st fic

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