Rec Dump

Mar 24, 2009 22:35

Happiest of birthdays to klynie1! Hope it's lovely.

In other news, ugh. Stressed. *listens to soothing harp music to try to chill out* I'm going to dump some recs here just so I have one fewer thing hanging over my head. All fic today...

Harry Potter
The Subtle Art of List Making by Anonymous (Percy/Oliver, Oliver/OMC, NC-17)
I grinned my way through this entire fic. Oliver is adorable -- positively stupid with lust over Percy, and determined to seduce his crush in any way that he can. (One brilliant plan involves cutting holes in every pair of socks he owns. *pets Oliver*) Amidst all the humor the author also manages to really ramp up the UST as well; I was squirming in my seat.

Queer as Folk
Blue City by xie_xie_xie (Brian/Justin, NC-17)
Brian flies to New York in in the middle of the night to be with Justin for a few hours. The writing in this took my breath away -- so unbelievably intimate. I love the wistfulness of the last few lines.

Midnight Confessions by jule1122 (Ted/Blake)
There should be far more Ted/Blake fic in the world than there currently is, but luckily jule1122 has given us this lovely drabble. I adore the thought of Ted finding this sort of happiness and acceptance with someone.

Musical Pairs by
britin1729 (Brian/Justin)
This drabble -- particularly the last line -- hit me like a punch to the gut. I can't say anything else without ruining it, but it's very well done.

A Major (Pain in the Ass) by
britin1729 (Ben/Michael, Hunter)
Hee. Just hee. Hunter takes up the trumpet, much to Ben and Michael's chagrin. :-P

Tennis RPS
A Bruise You Thought Had Healed by johnnypurple (Roger/Rafa, R)
There were many fics written in the aftermath of the Australian Open, and this is one of the better ones -- the author has some really sharp, vivid passages here, particularly when she describes Rafa's euphoria after winning the title. There was one transition in the story that felt a little abrupt to me, but otherwise I really enjoyed this one.

Original M/M Slash
The Ballad Of Barefoot Robin, or The Ridiculous Seduction Of Lieutenant Worthington by tsukikoushi (OMC/OMC, NC-17)
This is a short story (well, about 20,000 words) by the author of the Shadow of the Templar novels, but you don't need to be familiar with them to read and enjoy this. Like SotT, this fic features a cheeky thief, but rather than FBI agents this one has pirates and a sword-fighting lieutenant. It's absolutely hilarious and quite sexy too.

Walter Farley is Rolling in His Grave by nijiro_sumi (OMC/OMC, R-ish)
Did anyone else read the Black Stallion books when they were kids? If so, this story will bring on a rush of nostalgia. The author takes the series' main character, Alec, adds a touch of fantasy and man-on-man action, and creates a truly fresh and original story. The Black Stallion books always ended with a huge, important race, and this fic does too -- though it's a race unlike any you've ever seen. :-) Lots of fun.

Make the Yuletide Gay by aggybird (OMC/OMC, NC-17)
Okay, so this is fic slashing Santa Claus's son with Jack Frost -- it shouldn't work, but I found it absolutely charming. Jack is a sexy bastard (if a little infuriating at times), and the romance was funny and sweet. Just give it a shot and see if it doesn't make you smile. :-)

Enjoy something? Please tell the author so!

recs: hp fic, recs: qaf fic, brian/justin, percy/oliver, ben/michael, birthday, recs: tennis rps fic, ted/blake, roger/rafa, recs: original fic

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