HP Fic Recs

Mar 20, 2009 22:50

Anybody else need a bit of a cuddle this evening? GROUP HUG! (((((flist)))))

Recs are majorly piling up around here, ack. I'll do HP fic tonight and get to the others later this weekend, hopefully.

Glass Half Full by pir8fancier with art by raitala (Ron/Pansy, R, substance abuse, filthy language, lots of smoking references)
I just finished reading this one and I'm still feeling a little achy in the throat and heart areas. Despite the pairing, this is mostly a story about Ron: about the sense of inadequacy that we see from him in canon, and about how that could play out for Ron as an adult who spends his career in Harry's shadow and his marriage in Hermione's. Ron's struggle with alcoholism is very painful to read at times -- the part where he hits rock-bottom broke my heart -- but the emotional journey is worth the pain. I liked Pansy a lot here too, even though she's not a character I'm particularly interested in. She's sharp and flawed and somehow exactly what Ron needs.

And a word about the art in the beginning of this piece: the more I look at it, the more effective it is. Ron in particular is perfectly drawn.

The Path of Least Resistance by snegurochka_lee with art by raitala (Teddy/Albus Severus, past unrequited Teddy/James, R, substance abuse, grieving after a major character death)
You may, perhaps, have already seen this recced eighty-five a few times already, but in case you haven't, I'll add my voice to the pile. As I told Lee in my comment, I found this incredibly painful to read (much in the way pir8fancier's fic above was); Teddy is lost on a number of levels, struggling to recover from a substance addiction, grieving the death of someone he loved, and -- the part that broke me most -- desperately seeking parental figures to fill the holes in his life left by Remus and Tonks. (There's a scene with Harry near the end that brought a huge lump to my throat. You'll know it when you get there.) But there is hope, I promise! And speaking of that, I can't rec this fic without mentioning how warm and quirky and wonderful Luna is here.

As a bonus, this fic also has art: a stark portrait of Teddy that speaks volumes about his loneliness.

The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret by woldy (James/Sirius/Remus, James/Sirius, implied Remus/Sirius & James/Lily, NC-17, infidelity, mild domination and orgasm denial)
Gahhhh. This threesome is pretty hot as a matter of course, but written like this, with underlying desperation and betrayal and fierce desperation, in the wartime era when the Marauders are working out what they mean to each other now that they're not in school anymore...yeah. Talk about emotional intensity (and explosive sex, yowza).

A Walk in the World by Anonymous (Dean/Seamus, Seamus/Lavender, NC-17, one NSFW postcard)
This story features world travel (and postcards!), which is naturally an instant draw for me, but it's a beautiful story even beyond that. The author takes the time to develop Seamus and Dean's relationship, both when they're together and when they're apart. Seamus in particular is a rich, fully realized character, and his relationship with Lavender is sensitively handled as well. A lovely, absorbing read.

Once Beautiful and Brave by megyal (Charlie/Draco, the author gives it an NC-17 but I'd say it's barely R, EWE)
This is an older story that I just discovered and found utterly charming. Draco gets stuck in his Animagus form, but luckily he runs into Charlie who helps him get sorted. I'm sure everyone's sick of hearing about my Charlie love, but, but...*points to this warm, talented Charlie* How can you not love that? ;-)

En Prise by nishizono (Severus/Draco, R, EWE)
Mmmmmm. Such rich, satisfying characterizations in this one. Snape survived the war and has moved to St. Petersburg, where Draco visits him and gets snowed in. I loved the slow pace of this one, Draco's combination of haughtiness and vulnerability, and the way the author uses Snape and Draco's ongoing game of chess to bring out the dynamics of their relationship.

Parting Gift and Fresh Start by marguerite-26 (Harry/Scorpius, NC-17)
You should read Parting Gift, definitely, but I'm mostly reccing this because I found Fresh Start unexpectedly moving. Sometimes a fic reminds me just how much I love a particular character, and in this case it's Harry -- he's fifty years old and still trying to be what the wizarding world needs, no matter what kind of strain it puts on him. It choked me up a little to see a grown-up, confident Scorpius finally taking care of him for a change. ♥

Steal Me by snegurochka_lee (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Er, yes, I'm reccing another one by Lee because I can, and because this one is fun and light and sexy and well worth reading. Normally I'm not a fan of Sirius/James as a ship at all -- Sirius belongs with Remus, and James is hopelessly straight. *nod nod* And yet this fic could have come right out of canon, with the boys teasing and trying to one up each other, their friendship seamlessly translating into playful sex with a hint of more underneath.

*falls over* I'm never going this long between rec posts again.

harry/scorpius, recs: hp fic, threesomes, teddy/albus severus, charlie/draco, remus/sirius/james, ron/pansy, sirius/james, severus/draco, dean/seamus

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