Apr 07, 2005 17:52
Children are watching me like I'm a television program
So, in the meantime, take some... 'boredom' time and rate/comment on the liners:
1.When the sun's light kisses my lips, perhaps.
2.Let the curtain’s uncaught light tickle my eyelids, and dance upon my nose
3.Whisper it softly in my ear; the world doesn't want me to hear.
4.Why our eyes gaze off mindlessly into the night should only be revealed upon a sea of endless stars in the pale moon's light
5.Should we judge someone by the mind of which aquires knowledge through books, or by the markings of a foot, markings which symbolize each adventure the owner has ever embarked on, and of which carries the owner to knowledge by experience.
6.Pondering over a field of dasies
7.The meaning of life can be found in the minds of our youth
8.A tissue can only hide so many tears
9.Random just isn't random anymore
10.Individuality isn't always found by reaching outward and experiencing new things, but by looking inside