Jul 18, 2004 00:26
I got to meet c more today and finally see lauren!
Me cole dan and stace face went to LQ while lauren was working :-/ and we were the only white ppl there but thats okay. they other ppl were really nice. Dan got the top score of the day too which is way crazy cuz thats never happened to anyone when we've gone. anyways so then we met up with lauren and i got to see c more
i dunno if im spelling his name right but hes realy really cute and he does have angry eyes!!! but he has a cool design on his tummy and seems really frantic when we pick him up :-/ he flew out of my hands and when i went to grab him he pulled a sneaky one and crawled under the unmovable couch! luckily we saved him.
Then we watched a super crazy movie about a serial killer rapist that made me really scared to drive home- i kept checking my rear view mirror
Im glad everythings back to normal now... or at least better than it was... i hope we can keep it this way cuz i really missed lauren and stacey and how tight we used to be.