(no subject)

Dec 31, 2007 15:49

hello_babyy's gift has been delayed due to problems with her gifter's computer (this seems to be somewhat of an epidemic at present). Huge thanks for letting us know, we really appreciated it.

So in the meantime, since there is no idea when said computer might be up and running and again, here is a small Will/Allan themed present post. Thanks so much to snugduff for being a fantastic back-up gifter and supplying the drabble!

Name: Fic by snugduff, icons by lil_chanteuse.
Recipient: hello_babyy


Title: The Truth and the Lies
Pairing: Will/Allan, unrequited Will/Djaq
Rating: PG
Summary: Everyone in the barn confessed. Everyone except Will.
SPOILERS: for 2x12.
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 268

Author’s Note: Written for hello_babyy’s Secret Sheriff Gift!

Will was crying by the time he realized she had even begun speaking- speaking of love. He knew in his heart that she would tell them who she loved above all; he knew that she would tell him that she loved him. But he knew that when he told her he loved her too, it would be a lie. He didn’t love her, not really. The person he loved was long gone, had long since left him, long since left all of them standing in the dust leaving their camp for the last time as a true member of Robin Hood’s gang. The last time he saw his love they were bickering needlessly, he too hurt to forgive him, his love trying to hard to want his forgiveness.

“…You, Will Scarlett…” he looked down and shook his head, laughing awkwardly, looking at his folded arms, wanting to be away from that barn and into the arms of his lover.

Tonight was a night where everyone was to tell the truth. The worst part was that he could never ever tell his secret for fear that he would betray the gang in his own way; he would betray her. He could never break her heart, she was his best friend- what could he possibly say after he told her how he truly felt that could make it right? So he told her exactly what she wanted to hear, and felt his pain boiling over.

She would never know the truth. Allan would never know the truth. And even though it broke his heart, that was just fine with Will.


gifts 2007, hello_babyy

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