Merry LATE Christmas

Dec 30, 2007 16:48

Name: xox_intense
Recipitant: Rochvelleth

Ohhhh, the horror and shame! *hides in corner* I am so terribly sorry for my appalling lateness. My only excuse is that my computer died. We had to have someone out to fix it. but still! I am SO SORRY that you had to wait for your presents, Rochvelleth! I say presents, becasue if my computer doesn't break again, and things go as planned, I should be posting them over the next days. However, I may have to ask fryethief for a slight extension- the presents are made, but my orginal plan was to post them one a day- this would go over the first of Jan. Would this be acceptable? If not, I shall have to post them all at once, hopefully tomorrow.

But for now, here is your first present, and I apologise a million times over for the lateness! 
BTW: Spoilers for the series finale..There's a short author's note explaining.

Your Allan/Guy fic!

Orginally, you had a different one....but then I watched the Series finale, and couldn't resist writing the end, I thought maybe this one would be better to post. It's set in the scene of Allan leaving, and Guy's dream.

He can’t bear to leave right now.

He stands, a moment, watching down at the sleeping form, and tells himself he’ll only be a second. But he can’t leave right now. Not now, when Guy is sleeping below him, murmuring Allan’s name. He can’t leave that sight.

Guy’s lips change and whisper Marian, and he shudders in his sleep. Allan reaches and lays a hand on his face, not thinking about the consequences, just feeling his fingers trail the skin.

Maybe it soothes him, because Guy stops.

Allan is still there, still standing, still staring, and he can’t leave just yet. He’s still lost in hearing Guy say his name, knowing he’s in Guy’s dreams. He immediately thinks of the dirty things, and then realizes he’s still touching him. He whips his hand back.

He has to leave.

Robin could be in danger, he could be dying, he could be dead. Allan is his only hope. This is how he can get back to the gang. This is how he can get things back to how they were. This is what he’s told them all he wants.

But he watches Guy sleeping, and maybe that’s what he wants.

Just Guy.

He stills remembers earlier that evening, Guy catching him outside and asking him about Marian and Robin. He can remember something in his chest giving a jealous twist, which he refused to name as his heart. And then he remembers Vaisey walking in, making a snide comment about moonlight kisses, and remembers a smile that shouldn’t really have been on his face. Just the association of kiss and Guy are still enough to make him smile that damned smile.

He still hasn’t left.

But he can’t bring himself to leave Guy dreaming of him.

He doesn’t know what he’s dreaming, of course. It could be anything.

But still.

His hands act without his permission, as he reaches out and touches Guy’s back. He runs his fingers down, down, and betrays himself in a whispered wish that it could be more.

He drags his hands away and looks into Guy’s face one more time. He wants to reach over and pull some hair out of his eyes, but that’s too much. He can’t. He just can’t.

Instead, he bends and presses his lips softly on Guy’s jaw, just at the top of his neck, so softly he’s not sure he’s done it. He can’t help but watch Guy’s face for reaction, but there’s nothing.

Allan sighs, rises, and silently takes his leave.

It’s hard to leave now, but if Guy was awake- he’d never be anywhere else.


I hope you like it. :) Please forgive my lateness and the fact I am a terrible writer! Please! And you sohuld be getting the rest either day-by-day or all at once tomorrow, depending on mod permission.

rochvelleth, gifts 2007

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