"The Surprise" - Merry Christmas to mydoctortennant!

Dec 29, 2007 02:17

Title: The Surprise
Author: elvenjen4
Gift For: mydoctortennant (Robin/Marian fluff)

This is my first foray into Robin Hood fic, so I hope you like it! Beware, it's long, and this is some serious fluff. ;) I decided to go AU with it, and I possibly mangled a little history as well. (If BBC does it, so can I.) No spoilers here, just general Season 2 references.

The food was steaming, the drink was flowing, and the guests were merry. For once the people of Locksley, and for that matter the rest of Nottingham, had no reason to be anything but merry. The harvest had been plentiful, winter was being gentle, and at long last, King Richard had returned to England, victorious!

Marian was basking in the joy of being Lady Locksley In Waiting at Robin's first Christmas celebration at the newly rebuilt Locksley Manor. All of Locksley had come, and so had many from neighboring villages and the town of Nottingham. Marian, never before really a domestic goddess, had done an amazing job decorating the manor and arranging the food. Robin had told her he would take care of "something else", but he hadn't told her what that was...

She was standing off to the side, taking in the celebratory atmosphere, when she felt him coming up behind her. She smiled. "What are you doing skulking in the corner?"

"Skulking in the corner is my job," he said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "What are you doing skulking in the corner?"

"I do not skulk! ... Anymore. Besides," she said, taking his hands and pulling him out from the shadows, "these are your people. They are finally happy. They deserve to celebrate this holiday with you."

"But I want to celebrate it with you," Robin whispered. He leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. "I'll make you a deal. Come with me for five minutes, and I promise I'll be more sociable when we return."

Marian was skeptical. "Where are we going?"

"Doesn't matter," he grinned. "Out. Somewhere."

Now Marian was even more suspicious, but she saw by the glimmer in his eyes there would be no arguing with him. She put on her warm coat and moved quietly to the door, but she didn't see Robin tap Will and Djaq (standing conspicuously close to the mistletoe) on the shoulder and whisper something in their ears. "It's time. Move quickly," he said.

He caught up with Marian and led her out the door, behind the house and to a snow-covered meadow. It was perfectly smooth; no man nor animal had trod on it. Robin led her carefully to a specific spot in the meadow, then paused.

"Do you know where we are?" he asked.

"... We're in 5 centimeters of snow?"

"No!" Robin rolled his eyes. "This is where I first proposed to you," he answered.

"Proposed!" It was Marian's turn to roll her eyes. "That's a bit of an overstatement."

He conceded, "Well, yes, I could have done it better..."

* * 7 1/2 Years Earlier * *

"Marian! Marian!"

Marian was roused by her nap in the soft green grass by Robin's shouts. She sat up quickly, worried until she saw the grin on his face.

"What is it?"

Robin fell to the ground beside her. "I just came from speaking to your father. You and I are engaged!"

Marian was shocked. "We're what?"

"Engaged, betrothed, what ever you want to call it. We're going to be married." Robin still had that big grin on his face.

"And you spoke to my father about this?"

"I did. It's all settled." Robin still hadn't caught on that Marian's lack of enthusiasm was due to anger and not a shock of joy.

"You spoke to him before you spoke to me?"

Robin's smile faded. "Well... yes. That's how it's done."

"Well yes, Robin, that's how it's done when you want to trade me for sheep or something. But this isn't the middle ages. I thought you would at least talk to me about it first, ask me in addition to asking my father."

"But... you will say yes, right Marian?" Robin was now confused and worried, and held both her hands in his. "We love each other. I've loved you since I was 12 years old. Since the day your father gave you your own horse and I saw the joy on your face and I knew that I wanted to make you that happy. Because you make me that happy. Please, Marian... please, marry me?"

Marian softened. "Well, now that's more like it. All I wanted was to be asked."

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, it's a yes. Of course I'll marry you."

They kissed and embraced and did not return home for a few hours more.

* * Present * *

"That did turn out to be a pretty wonderful day," Marian said. She laced her fingers through his as they sat on the snow.

Robin grinned. "It was." He paused. "I'm only sorry I couldn't make that day last longer."

* * One Month Later * *

"Robin, no!"

"Marian -- " Robin headed out the door, where two horses and his manservant Much were waiting.

"Robin please, don't do this!" Marian followed closely behind.

"I have to, Marian! I have to help defend my country!"

"But you don't have to go so far away!" He turned around as Marian pleaded, "Why do you have to march into battle to protect England? You can do so much here! Or even in France, but not the Holy Land, please!"

Robin sighed. "Marian... I'm sorry. I have to go. I have to do this. For me, for King Richard, and for England."

"What about for us?" Marian asked quietly.

He held her face in his hands. "This is for us. The faster this war ends, the easier our lives will be. I promise you, I will come home to you."

Robin kissed her passionately and jumped on his horse. As he and Much began to gallop away, he heard her say, "But I cannot promise that I will be here."

They stopped and looked back at Marian, tears in her eyes but resolve in her voice. Robin understood, and so he bowed gently, and left.

* * Present * *

"You broke my heart that day," she said, nearly in tears at the memory.

"If it makes you feel any better, I broke my own, too," he told her.

She paused and smiled. "A little."

He smiled back. "We were so young then, Marian. We barely knew ourselves, let alone each other."

"But I knew I'd always love you," she said.

Robin laughed. "Really? You hated me when I first came back from the Holy Lands. I believe the first thing you said to me was 'Get out.'"

Marian laughed too. They had come a long way from that day. It was a relief knowing they could both look back and laugh at their early days of being reunited. "Well... as you say, we were young. I learned to accept you and your decisions, even though I didn't fully understand them then. Now, I know that the Crusades made you who you are today... made you the man I love."

Robin leaned in for a lingering kiss. "Thank you, my love."

"Just be thankful for WIll Scarlett. If you hadn't had the sense knocked into you by him, it might have been questionable the third time, too!"

Robin had a good laugh at that. After the King had returned, Robin had decided he would propose a third time, and this time not over a fresh grave by comparing her to his bow. Will had pointed out that women liked to be wooed (he was learning the ropes of romance himself), and since he hadn't given Marian a proper courtship the first or second time, maybe he should try it the third? Robin had taken his advice to heart (and took the opportunity to dispense some of his own) and had given Marian a 4-month courtship before proposing yet again a few months ago. This time, with her father gone, Robin had asked all of her surrogate "brothers" and "sister" for permission to ask for her hand in marriage. Only Much had seriously hesitated in his answer; despite his freedom, he was still hesitant to let Robin go, but he eventually caved. Robin had proposed by firelight at Knighton Hall (also newly rebuilt) and she had said yes.

"Robin, not that I don't love our little reminisces, but... what are we doing out in the snow? It's freezing." Marian was beginning to shiver.

"Oh! Right, sorry." Robin popped up to his feet, and helped Marian up too. "I need to show you something."


"Back at the manor."

Marian glared at him. "What? You mean we've spent 10 minutes outside in the freezing cold air and wet snow so you could show me something back in the warmth of the manor?"

Robin could only grin in response. "Just trust me!"

If Marian had a penny every time she'd heard that... but seeing that it was cold outside and warm inside, she didn't argue.

They were just about back when they saw Much walking towards them. "There you are! We've been waiting -- "

"Much," Robin interrupted him, "What are you doing?"

"The Sheriff asked me to see if I can get you two back here. He can't stay much longer, and -- "


"The Sheriff is here?" asked Marian.

"Yeah, he's -- oh. Oh, no. Oh, bugger." Much finally caught on to the arrows shooting out of Robin's eyes.


"Much? What's wrong?" asked Marian.

"Oh, er, noth-- nothing really. I'll-- I'll just see you inside." Much gave Robin an apologetic look and ran back to the manor, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Is everything okay?" Marian asked Robin. "Why's the Sheriff here?"

Robin sighed. Much wasn't always the sharpest nail in the bin, but he meant well. "Carter's here because I asked him to be. It's part of the surprise."

"... Surprise?"

"I know we've talked about sharing everything and making decisions as equals, but I was hoping you might forgive me - again - for this one tiny surprise I've planned for you."

Robin took Marian's hand. By now they had reached the door. Robin rapped lightly before opening it and walking in.

On cue, all 60 guests stood and faced them. They had been seated on benches separated by a long aisle, the aisle edged with hand-carved wooden posts stringing garland between them. At the nearer, rear part of the aisle stood Will, Djaq and Little John, and at the front stood Much, Sheriff Carter and --

"The King?? King Richard has come to -- "

"To marry us, yes Marian."

Marian was silent, and this time Robin recognized her silence not as anger but as joy and awe. He couldn't help but grin, and he saw the rest of their guests smiling back at them. They, of course, hadn't known that they would be attending a wedding that day, but all were thrilled when Will had announced the plan.

Djaq took Marian upstairs and helped her put on her mother's wedding gown, pulled back her hair and handed her a bouquet of flowers. But it wasn't until she was walking down the aisle on the arm of Little John did she truly grasp what was about to happen to her. Finally, she was marrying the man of her dreams. Finally, she would feel whole again.

~ The End ~

gifts 2007, mydoctortennant

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