Jun 03, 2006 22:53
I hate the world today.
Reasons why I hate the world today:
-Ruby Tuesday has fucked me over again. I was supposed to FINALLY have orientation this afternoon, but once I get there I find out that someone screwed up, and orientation was not today. So I have to call back in tomorrow and hopefully they'll actually have a real one scheduled. Please keep in mind that they hired me nearly 3 weeks ago, and I've yet to start because they are whores.
-There are way too many ugly people in York. I hate America. I want to be in Europe.
-I'm not in Europe.
-95% of the restaurants in York hate vegetarians and like to discontinue their vegetarian dishes, leaving me with nothing to eat but overpriced salads and cheese strombolis.
-I got stood up by my brother. We had plans to go see The Da Vinci Code, finally, and I was really excited. I find out 30 mins in advance that he can't go anymore, so I wasted my night.
-I've had an awful headache all day, and my back hurts.
-Bath & Body Works hasn't called me back yet, so I'm basically still unemployed, especially since RT sucks.
-I miss way too many people. boo.
On a brighter note, I get to go kitten hunting with my other half tomorrow. We're not hunting kittens in the literal sense, but picking one out for her mom's birthday. I like kittens. I want one.
Peace out. Time to find something to make me happy.