Nov 23, 2008 14:36
ummm yay return to brooklyn!
yay! (for the most part) obama! (i mean, he can't possibly be worse than clinton, bill. i hope.)
meh. school.
i could easily blame school for the extended absence, but i'm not a good enough of a student to do that. i still need to see my opthamalagist, but the admin staff are some of the worst around. 2 days to call me back when all i need is an appointment? really? i'm asking for whatever his write up is of the next session and bouncing.
it's pretty well established my eyes are "weird" in shape, beyond general astigmatism apparently since every doctor tries to stand on their head and make amazed noises while looking into mine.
whatever. i have dsl now. so yay!
i'm skipping out on returning to the family because i don't need the stress levels.