Long day after having a thought ...

Oct 14, 2007 22:48

So, when I woke up this morning, I got online and I saw someone on that I never thought I wanted to talk to ever again...but then I stopped and thought about what I had just thought.  Holding grudges against people is no better than what they have done to you.  Continuing to hate someone more than a year after something happens is stupid.  It happened in the past and you have to learn that staying in the past won't allow you to move forward in your life.  I IMed them and talked with them for a little bit.  They were angry about an argument we'd had several months ago, but I refused to give in to going off on him.  No matter what he said, I just blew off what he was saying and stayed focused.  After a while, I think he realized that it wasn't a trick.  I really do just want to start up a friendship with him again.  Either way, my conscience is clear now and I feel a lot better.
After this, I went to work and I was the only one on the floor for about 2 hours, then the other person that came in was sent up to the front to check out customers, so i was alone again.  I really didn't mind because I got 3 and a half baskets full of stock out onto the floor because I could focus more on what I was doing and less on stressing while doing my stuff that the guy wasn't helping with the stock that had to go out.  I then went to lunch when Sarah got there.  I came home and ate 2 grilled cheese sandwiches.  They were good <3<3<3  Then, I had to go and help with 2 trucks in the back...I was so pissed.  I hate doing the trucks, and what was worse is that the lady said she was taking all the guys.  SEXIST MUCH?!  There were 3 girls who were allowed to stay up front.  -.-  I was not amused.
Anyway, then I came home and am here.  :3  Thanks for listening!

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