Starting Out

Mar 19, 2007 19:36

So, I decided to wipe the slate clean on my Live Journal and start my posts all over again.  A new school, a new mate, a new life.

Right now I am quite nervous.  I dunno how I'm going to pull off all Bs in my classes.  I am going to buckle down though and do it.  I'm going to start a solid study schedule tomorrow and work my hardest at keeping it going.  I can't wait for this summer.  My parents actually suggested that I take a summer course in Dallas.  I almost had a heart attack right then and there in front of them.  I really wanted to ask about doing that so that I could spend more time with my mate, but I wasn't sure if they'd actually go for it.  For them to actually suggest it is a miracle!!!  I am so excited that I'll be able to live with him up there for the summer!!!  ^____^   We are going to have a GREAT time!!!  I am also happy because it will be like a trial thing instead of me moving in with him for good and having problems.  I think it will be good though.  I'm not sure what class I'm going to take over the summer though...I'm thinking about an art class of some sort, because a new profession that I have recently considered is Advertisement.  I came to this conclusion when I was shopping with Diego's mom and we were in the cosmetics department looking at the different perfumes and other things and I said that I really like when companies put their products in a unique bottle, or other products from other manufacturers that make things look nice and neat.  I think Advertising would be good.  ^___^  Not sure yet though.  I have to do research on it first.

Anyway, I had a GREAT time in Dallas this past weekend.  I went shopping with my mate's mom on Friday while he was at work.  We went to the North Park mall!!!  LOVE IT!!!  She got me a few things, including this cute pink dog from Victoria's Secret.  It's so cute!  :3  Then, when he got off of work, we went out and ate at Burger King, then grabbed his brother something from Taco Cabana.  We kinda curled up when we got home and just fell asleep...X3  We were both pretty tired.  The next day, we went to Denton and visited some of their friends and we ate at a place named Mr. Chopsticks(hehe.  I like that name).  The food there was pretty good.  Afterwards, we went back to his friend's house, then we all went back to Dallas and their friends spent the night.  It was nice.  We ate dinner that night at Fudruckers...or however you spell it.  I liked their burgers, they were very tasty.  Then, Sunday came... v_v  I wasn't very happy about having to come back to Orange.  I always hate having to leave him.  He made a lovely lunch before I headed back on the 6 hour drive though.  ^__^  It was really good too!  ^___^
  I really hope that it works out that I get to go spend the summer with my mate.

Anyway, I guess this was a good post for my first one...  o.o;;; Hopefully it wasn't TOO long.  Till next time.

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