1. What time did you get up this morning? -- 5am. I get up at 5am every weekday and usually by 7am on weekends. I know, I hate me too.
2. Diamonds or pearls? -- Diamonds. Or a pearl necklace. Both are fine.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? -- Cinema? Fuck knows, I barely go. Ummmmm.... I honestly cannot remember. I kind of consider the cinema to be a waste of money these days.
4. What is your favourite TV show? -- Once Upon A Time at the moment. Plus any doco type shows about police officers / crime / border patrol. Also Crash Scene Investigation and Air Crash Investigation - LOVE!
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? -- Two pieces of multigrain toast with vegemite on weekdays. I'll also have greek yoghurt with berries if I'm extra hungry. On weekends I might have eggs or baked beans. And a 2 shot long black, no sugar (that's most week days)
6. What is your middle name? -- May, because i was born on the 1st of May.
7. What food do you dislike? -- Mushrooms, avocado, red meat, pork (I do like bacon but stopped eating it due to the fact that pigs have the average intelligence of a 3 year old child - I just can't!), all types of melon, eggplant, pate.
8. What is your favourite CD at moment? -- Ummmmmmm.... I don't really play a lot of CD's except in my Reception area at work. The last one I bought was the Hunger Games sountrack, so I guess I'll go with that. And my signed Whitlams CDs from way back when (Whitlams Fan 4 Lyf =P )
9. What kind of car do you drive? -- Holden HQ Statesman
10. Favourite sandwich -- Tuna, red onion, capers and iceberg lettuce.
11. What characteristic do you despise? -- I don't really hate
characteristics. I prefer to hate people for more specific things. But I guess if I had to say anything it would be people who put forth this bold in-your-face opinion, and then can't handle a good debate about it or other people expressing a differing opinion. And then they get all butthurt and play the victim card and say that they're being bullied or people are being mean to them. Just ... yeah.
12. Favourite item of clothing? Snap-On Tshirt and my new Sex Party TShirt. Also oversized baggy pyjama pants - I have an obsession. I own SO MANY PAIRS!
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would
you go? -- Scotland to meet all of my relatives, then The Maldives probably. If money was no object.
14. Favourite brand of clothing? -- Lip Service, Tentacle Threads, Badsville - and el cheapo stuff like Target, KMart and Supre.
15. Where would you retire to? -- Tasmania. Or somewhere in far north Queensland.
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? -- My 30th in 2011 because it was the night I got engaged.
17. Favourite sport to watch? -- Motorsports - V8 Supercars, Rally, Drag Racing, Burnout comps, Demo Derby - NOT F1 or NASCAR. Also, Lithuanian Women's Honey Wrestling, and Slamball.
18. Furthest place you are sending this? -- Ummmmm O_o
19. Person you expect to send it back first? -- I'm not sending it to anyone because I'm not an annoying email spam idiot.
20. When is your birthday? -- I mentioned it above.
21. Are you a morning person or a night person? -- Both, but nowadays I'd have to say morning. I LOVE getting up super early.
22. What is your shoe size? 9.5 - 10 depending on brand
23. Pets? -- I'm owned by 2 cats. And we have one gigantic goldfish too.
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? -- Moving to our new house early next year. It's gonna be epic! Finally, I can paint, renovate (and it'll need it!), hang shit on the walls and not have to worry about my cats. Oh, and it's in what is considered a "nice" suburb, which will make a change.
25. What did you want to be when you were little? -- A lawyer, a marine archaeologist, and an actress. I become none of these things, although I do work in the legal industry now.
26. How are you today? -- Freakin' awesome, although a tad sore from playing netball last night.
27. What are your favourite sweets? -- Crystallised ginger covered in dark chocolate - I will eat ALL OF THE GINGERS!
28. What is your favourite flower? -- Arum lily. And any type of rose, I love roses.
29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? 21st December because it's my last day of work before the Christmas holidays.
30. What is your full name? -- Carly May Richardsin, soon to be Carly May Nichols when I get around to changing my name.
31. What are you listening to right now? -- Some weird jazz CD.
32. What was the last thing you ate? -- Tuna Nicoise Salad for lunch.
33. Do you wish on stars? -- Yeah. Doesn't work.
34. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? -- That really dark purple one.
35. How is the weather right now? -- Very nice. Warm, a bit humid, been raining a bit but that looks like it's cleared for now.
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? -- Virginia Campbell
37. Favourite soft drink? -- I don't like soft drink much these days, but when I do have it it'd be ginger beer or coke.
38. Favourite restaurant? -- I dont go to restaurants much at all. I do like Cafe Amaretto in Osborne Park, that's where we always used to go when we went out for dinner. They do a killer chicken salad.
39. Real hair colour? -- Mousey blonde.
40. What was your favourite toy as a child? Stuffed kangaroo who's name is Kangaroo Koala (I don't know either, I was a dumb child obviously) - I still have him at home somewhere
41. Summer or winter? -- SUMMER all the way!
42. Hugs or kisses? --Hugs. Especially those huge bearhugs that make your back crack.
43. Chocolate or Vanilla? -- Real Vanilla Bean.
44. Coffee or tea? -- Tea. I'm a tea fiend right now.
45. Do you want your friends to email you back? -- Once again, not emailing this. And no, I get enough emails as it is.
46. When was the last time you cried? -- Hmmmmmm, a few days ago I woke up crying because I had a nightmare.
47. What is under your bed? -- Nothing, there's no gap for anything to be under the bed.
48. What did you do last night? -- Played a game of netball, had a late dinner, watched some TV, had sex.
49. What are you afraid of? -- Being physically attacked (ie mugged, raped, etc) - but whilst I have a fear of it, I don't live in fear of it. I had this discussion with Mal recently actually, and discovered I'm not actually afraid of fuckall. My only other fear would be drowning, and more specifically being trapped inside something sinking into the water, like a car or a submarine for example, and dying a slow drowning death knowing exactly what was coming for me. But apart from that, I dont really have a lot of fear in my life at all. I used to be afraid of hospitals, got over that, needles, got over that one too.
50. Salty or sweet? -- salted caramel.
51. How many keys on your key ring? -9
52. How many years at your current job? Two and a half-ish
53. Favourite day of the week? Saturday
54. How many towns have you lived in? -- Margaret River, Busselton, Perth - technically 3.
55. Do you make friends easily? -- *snortlol*
Actually, it's funny, I actually DO make friends easily. I'm not usually in the market to make new friends, but I've been surprised over the last 12 months that I have formed some new friendships. All going well so far (this just means I haven;t royally pissed them off yet, or vice versa)
56. How many people will you send this to? -- I'll just publish it on LJ - if people want to copy paste to their own blog or email it to their mates, more power to 'em.
57. What is your favourite thing to do to relax? - read a book, listen to audiobooks, edit photographs (sometimes, but sometimes this can be stressful), float around in the ocean on lazy summer days, hang out with mates in a low-key setting.
58. What is one thing you regret about this year? Probably not sticking to my guns about the wedding organising stuff and wanting to get things paid off early etc. The stress of the last few weeks before the event kinda did my block in.
59. What are you doing this weekend? Cleaning and house stuff for my last ever rent inspection. And probably working for a few hours too.
60. Cookies or Cake? Ummm, cookies. Anzacs or oatmeal cookies - yummmmm.