pick and choose

Jun 15, 2011 10:12

I am on a double dose of a psychoactive substance.

As i type this it is affecting my central nervous system. Use of this substance can result in a medical dependancy, and can also cause anxiety, tremors/muscle twitching, insomnia, headaches, respitory alkalosis, heart palpitations, peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal disturbance, a rambling flow of thought & speech, depression, mania, lapses in judgment, disorientation, disinhibition, possible halucinatory effects, and feelings of euphoria.

What a horrible sounding substance, you might think.  What is it?  Some kind of amphetamine?  That strange and DEADLY (so the media tell me and who doesn't believe THEM right?) stuff Kronik?  Some new horrible drug on the market that we dont even know about yet?

it's COFFEE.

Please have your opinions, I respect them all.  But also DO NOT come to me with your 'drugs are bad' lectures.  Not unless you DO NOT (ever) smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, drink energy drinks, drink caffeine, take pharmaceticals of any nature or take natural therapies of any nature.

In fact, even CHOCOLATE induces mild feelings of euphoria in some consumers, so don't come to me if you also eat chocolate.  or drink chamomile tea for that matter.

Do you get where I'm heading with this?

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