Spoilers came out today. Interesting ones. You can find them on TWoP's spoiler thread and on the LoVe Shack spoiler forum, in the episode 3.19 thread. (Too tired to link right now, sorry guys, but you know where the forums are, right
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First, I had a little over ten years of dating experience, from early high school until I got involved with my husband just before I turned 25. In that time, I had one very serious on-and-off high-school-into-college romance with a guy I was deeply in love with. I also had some casual flings and one night stands.
I also had a few relationships that fell into that middle ground. Relationships which could have gone somewhere, which had all the earmarks of something meaningful (flowers, intimate phone conversations and plane trips to see each other in one case, breakfasts together in the dining hall, late night study sessions and holding hands walking through the quad in another, and so on and so forth). But which never really got into that intense emotional territory.
So I know from my own personal experience that this sort of mid-level relationship is entirely plausible. You want it to work, you care about the person, enjoy his (or her) company, and act like a couple in every sense. You probably wish you felt more strongly, but it just never goes that extra step.
Does Logan have that capability? Just because he may never have done it doesn’t mean he can't. He's grown and changed in a number of ways, and I think he now can. Plus, he's a fictional character, and, within certain parameters, the writers can write him to be in whatever mental state they choose.
Second, the spoiler source says that Logan is not over Veronica. This tells me they're definitely going for that middle ground in his relationship with Parker. You personally may not buy it for his character. I probably will.
You and I discussed this a bit at the beginning of the season. I had a much harder time accepting this new, even-keeled Logan than you did. I enjoyed him far less this season than I have in seasons past, and this is the final nail in the coffin for me. A Logan who can accept that Veronica is lost to him and still have hopes for a future with someone else is not the Logan I fell in love with, nor is it a character I want to continue to see on my screen. That all-consuming intensity I loved about their relationship has dissipated, and watching it dissipate even more over possibly the last five episodes of the series will be too painful for me to stomach. It's a personal choice - I realize that - and it's not what I would ever want for one of my own relationships in real life, but this isn't real life. It's not that I think it's completely unbelievable for this character, it's that they've been taking this character in a direction I dislike for fourteen straight episodes, and this thing with Parker is really the worst it can get for me. (At this point in the series, that is. If this had happened earlier in the season my perspective would be quite different.)
Even if Logan is not over Veronica, no resolution they put forth will work for me at this point. I already can't stand that Logan moved on so quickly to Parker. Having him do the same thing at the end - move back from Parker to Veronica in the space of one episode - it just makes me displeased with Logan. Unless he and Parker come to some sort of onscreen understanding BEFORE episode 3.19 about how Logan is still not over Veronica, and/or Parker falls in love with someone else, I couldn't really forgive Logan for doing that to a character I've grown to love. Deep feelings or not - being dumped for someone else smarts, if only for the humiliation of it. I don't see how Parker could ever handle being around Logan and Veronica again.
Honestly? I probably wouldn't have made it through the Hannah arc with Logan last season if I hadn't seen the alterna-prom episode first. (V: "So, what are you like now?" L: "You know - tortured. Ever since I got my heart broken." V: "Hannah really did a number on you." L: "Come on, you know I'm not talking about Hannah.") Knowing how it was going to work out made the Hannah arc bearable. In addition, I would have been much less happy about the final L/V reunion in Not Pictured if we hadn't gotten the dream in which Veronica implicitly expresses her preference for Logan over Duncan.
I still think it's entirely possible we'll get something like that in the last episode of this season, some sort of retcon that negates Veronica's and Logan's investment in these other relationships. (Unless RT gets over-confident about S4 and leaves us with some sort of unresolved love triangle, in which case...stab.) But until I'm sure I'll get something satisfying enough to make watching L/P and V/P bearable, I can't take what's coming.
The other thing that might make these relationships bearable is if every L/V interaction abounds with subtext and tension. Just LOADED with it like the scene in the Neptune Grand hallway in Driver Ed. But I haven't been pleased with what we've seen so far, and I really don't trust KB. I'll definitely be reading episode reactions to see if others are ok with the L/V interaction, and if it's being received well by other viewers I might watch those scenes. But this "just friends" thing is not working for me at this point.
It's really sad, and it's going to be really hard to stop watching, but I'm honestly losing sleep over these developments. I'll do myself a huge favor to cut myself off now.
I sort of doubt that Logan and Veronica will fall into each other's arms at the end of 20. I said this a few weeks ago, just before we found out about all the new relationship stuff, and I certainly haven't changed my mind. But I do think it's likely that both Ps will be history. Well, we know Piz will almost definitely be toast. It's only a question of Parker. I guess it's theoreticaly possible she'll last through 20, but I kind of doubt it.
I understand and appreciate your feelings about Logan's more mature self. I ended up agreeing with you that he did get too mopery dopery, as Jason so delightfully put it. And he was mostly just The Boyfriend, which is a colossal waste of talent and a fascinating character. (But if you stop watching, you won't get to see the angry OPJ come back!)
Honestly? I probably wouldn't have made it through the Hannah arc with Logan last season if I hadn't seen the alterna-prom episode first.
And maybe this is at the heart of it. Well, besides the Logan character alteration. I started watching late S1, and believe me, it was excruciating watching V all schmoopy with Duncan and being mean to Logan, and then to watch Logan actually falling for Hannah the simpering schoolgirl; there were damned few signs back then that RT was going to bring L & V back together. But the way that season ended gave me confidence in this one. Though I think the outcome will be a bit different, RT's overall plan feels clear, at least to me.
Anyway. I understand if none of this is enough for you. It sounds like you may well be better off avoiding the show till you know the outcome and then can go back and rewatch if you want. And certainly if you're losing sleep! I've actualy been there too, so I know just what you mean, and it's not a very pleasant feeling. I'm over it and glad to be calm about it all. It's just, if you choose to bow out for the rest of the season, I'll miss you!
Another ending I couldn't take is Logan and Veronica both still hurting in some way from their other breakups in the last episode, an that's why they don't get back together. Again, this could have been fixed by leaving some damn time before the end of the season for these relationships to play out naturally.
I really can't take them still being connected to P/P in any way, even emotionally, by the end of the series. I don't need them back together, but I do need that assurance, something explicitly canon that says they never got over each other and those other relationships were just filler. So as much as I don't want a cheap reunion, if it's between that or the two of them deciding they can't be together yet because they're still stinging from Piz/Parker - I'll take the cheap reunion.
And I'll still be around, reading other people's posts. But yeah, I think cutting myself off is the healthier option right now.
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