Mar 17, 2006 08:57
i got $92 yesterday in tip money. probably about $50 is singles. tight. i paid my dad $25 for my phone bill and bennn trisco $12 for a ticket to some show. currently at $55. i want to go spend it this weekend but i don't want to take evan shopping again that was twelve kinds of pathetic that my friends hate me that much.
i don't feel like being at school anymore. i just want to go home and sleep. today isn't even a bad day. i'm just hungry and sleepy and my makeup sucks and i want the evening to start. i think it is friends first then time with the boy.
good people and good talks last night.
every time i look at my planner i realize that the year is really almost over. it is going to go quick. every weekend there is something else, a show a school thing whatever and then working. it just is kind of crazy how time is slipping by. it makes me want to be better. possibly more on this later.
shit. i really want to go spend a bunch of money.
i miss my best friend we need a hmc weekend soon with lots of ben n jerrys and okedoke. this plan will come into action asap. look up - possible weekends, train ticket prices, weather.
this entry is totally pointless.
st. patricks day. be safe at your parties, people.