Jan 22, 2005 13:00
aaron, i love you kiddo, your the BEST! okay well last night was the best night of my life. when i woke up yesterday morning i was just sick of being "not me", so much has changed over the past year and things are still changing but i realized that not being myself isn't getting me anywhere. i was so normal last night being around my friends [ mandi, leesa, jessie, shanie, mike, pat, shawn ] it was awesome. everyone saw how much of a great mood i was in and i loved it. im so happy to be me again and not have to worry about what people think of me, i am happy -- and to the rest of my true crew [sar, tiff, nikki, jes, krissi, danie, michael, cassie -- i love you guys and thanks for putting up with everything * you really are the true ones & i'm glad i realized that * `bobby~thanks for everything hun! well i'm off to find out whats going on tonight if im chillen with my pimp or maybe a movie night with the girls. dunno, either way i'll write about it later. <33 // the REAL me