Feb 25, 2004 17:19
hmmm. lj. ya so sush is goin out with jayce. wootwoot. thats hip. joce and jayce. i can live with that and such. woop. thats rather ironic. actually not but still cool.
how wonderful our situations both work out for us and fit us huh sush? you- tha material girl...youve got him. niceeeeeeeeeee. me-i keep wonderin. which is tha way i like it as strange as it may sound. i think its more fun that way. it nevers gets old does it? and the physical contact....im definitely one for that. yeppers.
i know youll think its annoying if i say this but you have to be careful if you wanna hang onto this one. its more important to be friends above everything. so dont get too wrapped up in the whole title and such. be friends first. everything else will follow as you like. but thats the most important thing if you want to keep him. material girl. just a caution.
and i think thats just superb!!!! wootwoot. i must meet the boy at once.
pnb comin up. allah help me. and im the sorest little bird. my maaaaaahhhhhhhhscles. lord. and wyatts partay. indeed. what a hard person to shop for im tellin you. my costume is rather lame but thats okay.
i will go do homework now. after postponing it for the most possible time. brianne says im like travis. that ill do a million other things before doing the damn work. but he compliments her cuz shes a stressinoutaroo kinda girl. who do i compliment??????
toodles. joce