Found this over at SassyWitch's journal... Someone commented on the above that no Hollywood "Front Runners" would take such controversial gay roles? Didn't Heath already prove that to be a misnomer in BBM?
Anyway, I often "cast" my favorite books and, based almost exclusively on PNW's very detailed physical descriptions, I have an image of Ben Affleck and Chad Michael Murry for these roles. Only, I have no idea if they could pull off such challenging roles! PlanetOut picked pretty good physical matches for Billy Sive, but Harlan is supposed to be a pretty big man (over 6 foot if I remember correctly) and very macho (chest hair and everything). Hmmmm...
No solid word on whether it'll actually get made into a movie. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh, and since I post soooo often... Rent "V for Vendetta", best movie I've seen this year. Hands down.